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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j6sqvcx wrote

That was a whole lot of hubbub over people getting handed a pamphlet reminding them of a rule they had to follow and may not have been aware of.


Easywind42 t1_j6sws19 wrote

Feel so bad for those rich out of staters. Thoughts and prayers.


huh_phd t1_j6szxgn wrote

Just dont answer the door. Problem solved.


ReadsTheScience OP t1_j6t0fim wrote

Fuck anyone moved to RI 4 months before the pandemic with a 1997 honda civic and still had NY plates? Or anyone who left New York to go live with a relative in RI?

You seriously think this only affected people with big ass waterfront mansions?

>Between 2019 and 2021, non-Latino whites lost 2 years on average, while non-Latino Blacks lost 3.5 years and Latinos lost 3.7 years of life expectancy.

Nobody is saying that the discrepancy can be mainly explained by differing covid rates/severity. It was the lockdown policies.

But yeah fuck those rich out of staters.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j6t1fcp wrote

The lawsuit threats were over them pulling people over, which probably did violate laws since they were detaining people selectively, even if they were swore it was for the right reason and it was just to pass along info.

The door to door thing was plan B IIRC. And it was a stupid thing to get mad about.

Edit: that tweet is you linked is blatantly lying. Nobody was being forced to take a COVID test. They were told the policy and given a pamphlet.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j6t1t1w wrote

>Fuck anyone moved to RI 4 months before the pandemic with a 1997 honda civic and still had NY plates? Or anyone who left New York to go live with a relative in RI?

A) You have 30 days from moving to change your registration

B) How common do you really think that was? In a state with a million people, I doubt that even 100 people fit that criteria.


>Nobody is saying that the discrepancy can be mainly explained by differing covid rates/severity. It was the lockdown policies.


Except we've got a mountain of data at the time and before about racial inequities in our profit-driven healthcare industry and we knew that COVID was disproportionately hurting minority populations. This was pointed out many times in real fucking time.

Also, we didn't have a lockdown. You couldn't go to a restaurant for like 2.5 months. How can people still be such fucking babies about this shit? Like, it's bad enough that you wouldn't shut the fuck up then, but we're 2.5 years removed from any restriction whatsoever.


ReadsTheScience OP t1_j6t3npa wrote

Someone asked at a press conference about RI targeting NY plates.

This was Cuomo's response.

The campaign of the cops with the national guard driving around house to house looking for NY plates was immediately ended, and the checkpoints were expanded to all out of state plates.

This made it inconvenient mostly for people who lived out of state but worked in Rhode Island. They were given a permission slip, but still had to go through the checkpoints and were liable to get pulled over.

>The door to door thing was plan B IIRC. And it was a stupid thing to get mad about.

That's one opinion to have.


ReadsTheScience OP t1_j6t4jxc wrote

> A) You have 30 days from moving to change your registration

And? So if you forgot, and wanted to go get RI plates to not be targeted, you could just go to the DMV and get the process done like normal?

> B) How common do you really think that was? In a state with a million people, I doubt that even 100 people fit that criteria.

If you say so.

>it's bad enough that you wouldn't shut the fuck up

True. We're pretty militant and active everywhere, we're stripping public health of any powers it once had.

We're getting quite good results actually 😊😊


Antonio_Bologna t1_j6t53if wrote

Good riddance, says I. Coming for you next, Wisconsimians.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j6t5wth wrote

This is like those Japanese soldiers who sat on random islands for years with no idea that war was over. What the fuck are you whining about? My brother in Christ, it is the year 2023. The only reason I even remembered today that COVID-19 was thing that happened is because you randomly came to this sub to whine about it.

The whining was pathetic and selfish then and now I'm not even sure I know if there are adjectives that can describe what it's like to still complain about this? Arguing about a defunct policy in the subreddit for a state you don't even live in?

Do you realize how fucking sad that is? Millions of people died from that virus and this is sadder than all of their deaths combined.


ReadsTheScience OP t1_j6t6xv1 wrote

>The whining was pathetic and selfish then and now I'm not even sure I know if there are adjectives that can describe what it's like to still complain about this?

We have spent years waiting for the end of the public health emergency so we can go into crunch time. May 11.



Syncope7 t1_j6t7wsl wrote

Meh, fuck em. They’re buying up all of the available property and only living in it for 3 months out of the year.

What’s another 14 days of quarantine?


[deleted] t1_j6te4gw wrote

Yeah, I’ve got a bit of a problem with this beyond the parochialism.

If they’re paying property taxes, they have a right to be there. That was one of the reasons that Mass couldn’t ban Rhode Islanders working in MA.

The bad PR from this also came back and bit us in the ass when RI became one of the planet’s hardest-hit COVID hotspots, with some of the worst infection and death rates. We ended up needing a lot of help but opened up the crisis by denying help to others. Not a good look.

And the reason there are no houses is because of the NIMBYism that’s prevalent in the state, especially little towns that don’t want new residents that arrive after they arrived (of course, them building their house and moving in was just fine):

(Edit: Obviously the “COVID is just the flu” stuff in the original article is nonsense.)


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j6tgi12 wrote

you think any one of them was going to turn around and leave their vacation home to go back to a city with twenty five thousand people per square mile? Please.

To be honest, I think the biggest failure of COVID policy is that this, much like everything else, ran on the honor system.


trabblepvd t1_j6tj520 wrote

Reddit was all on board! Fellow Americans? Fuck them! It was the most absurd bullshit ever. 1/2 of the support came from the Raimondo can do no wrong fan club, never saw a bigger bunch of clowns! Here are a couple of classic reddit threads from then:


trabblepvd t1_j6tln4o wrote

There were people asking Gina to use the coast guard to patrol the coast to make sure they weren't coming in that way, and she respond like it was a good idea they would consider instead of dismissing it as ridiculous. Others were upset that there would be NY'ers using area hospital beds. The RI yokels were out of control and ridiculous with their demands.


1Certified1 t1_j6tvrpo wrote

I don't think its unreasonable to question certain measures that were taken during covid. There some which were short sighted and within the scope of being considered overreach and misguided which did more to cause distrust of the local government than help against covid. Now is the time to look back and question these things as they are not currently happening and we have more information on the topic itself.


bbpr120 t1_j6ucsyl wrote

Ahh, those were "fun" mornings at the Richmond rest stop, yelling at a Guardsman that I was just going to work (Defense Industry, we never stopped or slowed down). All because I live 100 yards on the wrong side of the border and have those dreaded blue plates... Still got my letter to bet me thru any roadblocks as a "worker critical to the nations defense".


TheOriginalRhodeSoda t1_j6vgpwa wrote

Ridiculous. The whole Covid response was totally overblown. The problem is that should there be a real high-mortality pandemic in the future, nobody will take it seriously after the way this was botched from the start.


jdmess401 t1_j6wufhx wrote

Edit: Expanding on my initial thoughts.

I agree with this. Also, if these New Yorkers had the forethought to take advantage and get out of a densely populated area to avoid exposure, chances are they’d continue to social distance and take precautions while they were here in RI. It’s the people who didn’t take precautions that were the issue, like the RI residents protesting at the statehouse refusing to wear masks and hosting parties just to spite everyone…

However, I have to believe part of the reason we ended up suffering so badly in the late summer and fall of 2020 was because we effectively reopened the state too early and became flooded with tourists from hotspot areas. We were doing really well before that. I recall seeing far more out-of-state plates than usual—not just in Narragansett and Newport, but even Oakland Beach in Warwick was overrun. There were posts about it in this sub at the time, too.

Of course, that’s not the only reason. It also didn’t help that hospital administrators across the state refused to make any adaptations for the second wave that we all knew was coming, but that’s a whole other issue…


[deleted] t1_j6x1v77 wrote

It’s possible, although everyone in my condo building was males when they went outside and walked around the halls. I was often the only masked person in the whole darn building. And this was pre-vaccine. One neighbor who was always unmasked ended up dying at RIH from the virus.


Desperate_Expert_952 t1_j6xbnf3 wrote

This type of pandering help get Gina to the White House. Pays to follow party directives. Just don’t open the door.


NoRepresentative5593 t1_j6xgqhc wrote

I had to pass a checkpoint to get to my house, that was wild. The National Guard set up at the Chamber of Commerce in Westerly, with police cars and cones on Post Rd.


pmk0286 t1_j6zzcwm wrote

LOL the entire thing was a joke, charade, and waste of time and money