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ghogan1010 t1_j6yab3s wrote

I’m actually going to jump on this with you. My home water in Cranston, so also Providence water has been hard AF. Staining toilets and showers in ways it never ever did prior.


jdmess401 t1_j71wn56 wrote

Just out of curiosity, where in Cranston are you? My wife and I just moved to the Eden Park area from Warwick. We’ve had the opposite experience; our water is much less hard here than it was in Hoxsie.


fizzbot15 OP t1_j6yusid wrote

Whoa! Now that you mention it, our toilet does get a discolored ring around the water line in about a weeks' time, and that is a pretty new development. It's a fairly new toilet (2 years old, maybe) so it's not like it is old and scratched or anything. And we work from home so it's not like the water is stagnant in there for any extended amount of time. I hadn't associated the two events before.. thanks for sharing this (although I'm sorry that you are also experiencing this annoyance!)