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SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j9ft0ey wrote

Or at 61 years old, he sees the RI Foundation as his final job. Spend 10-15 years there, no constant travel to Washington, no need to do any campaigning, collect a much larger salary and stay home. All that could also be a big part of the decision calculus.


mrbgso t1_j9fu0oq wrote

Oh, I think it’s both! Why chase a leadership position you’re not getting when you can go home and settle into a comfortable glide path to retirement.


wenestvedt t1_j9fxynd wrote

I will miss him, but the guy has been working hard for years, as mayor and then as a Rep. He's earned some relaxation, but I will be said not to have his voice in D.C. for me.


reddit_beats_chive t1_j9g5nd8 wrote

Worked super hard as mayor, lying his ass off takes a heavy toll on a man. Let finances crumble and ran out as fast as he could.