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GlotzbachsToast t1_j77226l wrote

Trying to explain to my dog that he doesn’t need his long walk today and we will do extra long walkies tomorrow..


Shot-Perspective2946 t1_j7738zq wrote

Took ours outside and he would only keep 2 feet on the ground at one time 😂

Didn’t take much convincing to get him back inside


GotenRocko t1_j77ahli wrote

Took my small dog out, set a timer to make sure we didn't stay out long and he spent most of the time tying to take off his coat, so it took it off him. Then after doing his business he proceeded to just sun bathe like it was summer and the cold had no effect on him.


Ashby238 t1_j78v8vp wrote

My dog begged to go out and promptly got walloped in the face by two bitter gusts of wind. And noped back inside. Good thing he’s paper trained!


dishwashersafe t1_j77y5aq wrote

Took mine for a walk finally and he fell through the frozen narrow river, rolled around in the sand, and overall seemed rather unphased despite his icicle butt fluff 🤷‍♂️


RosaPalms t1_j778zad wrote

Pff. Beach weather. Only reason I'm not going is that I know Rt. 1 is gonna be a parking lot.


Bagabundoman t1_j779w5u wrote

"Guys it's not even that cold! I'm still wearing shorts!"


Megs0226 t1_j775hx2 wrote

I stepped outside just to feel it and scurried right back inside. I have my heat cranking and it’s still only 65 in my house. I can’t decide if it’s a problem or just an old house thing and it’s just going to suck today.


BoSocks91 t1_j77aqn8 wrote

Same issue. Woke up this AM and my house was 60°.


Megs0226 t1_j77b0c0 wrote

Same! I know my heat is working, but my house is 100 years old so I think it’s just going to be like this today.


Woodnote_ t1_j77i8gc wrote

Over the summer we had an energy assessment, everything fully sealed and extra insulation added, all the heaters checked and up to date, everything. My house is still sitting at 63 while being set at 72. I think the heaters just can’t keep up with the cold. It is slowly getting better as the day is heating up though


Megs0226 t1_j77ifiq wrote

Yeah, it’s starting to improve in my house, too. The afternoon sun is helping a bit! Luckily just one day of this.


BlakeSwag t1_j7785es wrote

Same thing here!


joealba t1_j77gi0n wrote

Sign up for a RISE energy assessment. They can advise you where you may need more insulation or other improvements, and they give you big discounts on the work. Huge improvements for my house!


brianstk t1_j77lxxv wrote

Same here. Heating just can’t keep up.


februarytide- t1_j77jdmq wrote

I stopped washing dishes to let the dog out, and grabbed the metal handle to the storm door with a slightly wet hand and it literally stuck to it like that kids tongue on the pole in a Christmas story. Had to stand there a minute while my hand warmed up the handle before it would come off.


BoSocks91 t1_j77b4bn wrote

If ever you could sum up “Nope”, it would be this weather.


theebomba t1_j77ot1l wrote

Reaching out of the car window for my small hot regular this morning nearly cost me my arm!


deadl0ckx2 t1_j76xsxe wrote

No way!?!? It’s cold out!?!?!


captain_carrot t1_j78zu0d wrote

I found ice on the INSIDE of my windows the morning. Basically the condensation dropped down to the bottom of the pane and the glass was cold enough for it to freeze. Inside.


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_j78zmsu wrote

I think it’s refreshing. Even took my lab out for a long walk because my snowflake kids wouldn’t do it. It wasn’t bad. Certainly not the coldest weather I’ve ever been in. At least it was nice and sunny.
