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Illustrious-Might315 t1_ja30esz wrote

Lol aaand here is the person that spews nonsense because that’s the way they feel and not actual facts.

Anywhere in a royal blue state like RI the laws favor the tenants.


NoRepresentative5593 t1_ja3hq1w wrote

No they don’t. I used to own a 4 unit in Providence and the laws favor landlords. MA has better protections for tenants.


Illustrious-Might315 t1_ja3yljh wrote

I’m on the phone testifying and writing emails every session to stop more bad bills from being passed. We have a woke government that thinks no one should have to deal with anything bad. Example don’t pay your rent, purposefully damage the apartment and then get evicted. The eviction is clearly the only thing gov cares about. God forbid you’re a white landlord. May as well roll over and pray at the feet of Rachel Miller for the sins of some white guy in Alabama 200 years ago. MA is worse but doesn’t mean RI is landlord friendly. TN, AZ, GA. That’s LL friendly


Space_faces t1_jaby3hc wrote

You have never had a correct thought in your life. Have a wonderful day!


AhChingados t1_ja5losa wrote

You can make as many reports as you want about unsafe conditions but they never come to inspect because the Health department is purposely underfunded. The only people who think the laws favor the tenant are landlords.