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temporaryCognition OP t1_ja93o94 wrote

I mean if the van is stopping people from overdosing that's definitely not the issue


March_Latter t1_ja99xak wrote

Still has to listen to the health officials for various reasons. Are they sanitary? Are they giving out methadone properly? Are they performing the worst idea since we started helping addicts and handing them 10 needles for one used one? If nobody is in charge we get a free for all, and that is not useful to anyone.


temporaryCognition OP t1_jabf4is wrote

I've lost three people to drugs and I can promise you, what they do in the clinics is. Better than the streets and what they do in the clinics do help because they're not shooting literal poison into their veins like they would on the streets. I don't think you've involved yourself enough with these programs or with these people enough. I've been working with them for over ten years and I have hands on experience backing my claims up. This clinics literally save lives. But I don't want to debate whether or not they're beneficial. I just want to know if Rhode island is affordable.


March_Latter t1_jacby6g wrote

I am down two, and I can tell you rehabs and clinics are just a business supported by fools who think the addict will get better. Sometimes they will, but you obviously know in most cases its just delaying the inevitable. What they turn into is dirty needle handouts with needles littering every corner of the state and to operate without approval just shows their arrogance. Its long past time we got the weak enablers out of the way and got serious about stopping the flow of drugs in this country.