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listen_youse t1_j7ixu73 wrote

>Neither are police matters. Larceny from a store IS a police matter.

What makes you think I needed to have this explained to me?

We are both saying the same thing. There are 2 systems of justice: Crimes that can only be committed by privileged people are politely handled in one system. Another system of violence, profiling, intimidation and so called street justice applies to other kinds of people.

Media (with your assistance here on reddit) stir up outrage over crimes committed by poor people in disproportion to the harm inflicted by privileged wrongdoers.

We only differ in that you seem to think this is fine while I do not.


abovaveragefox t1_j7kij3z wrote

Is there no value in protecting business owners from getting robbed? Or trying to stop people from committing the crimes? Stealing sunglasses is just an unnecessary insult to society. You can buy them anywhere for 5 bucks, it's not like they were doing robin hood shit and donating them to the less fortunate. People commit crimes, but other people that aren't poor commit crimes so don't try to enforce laws on them unless you get these other "privileged" groups is the worst thought process. All of them are bad, no need to knock any process that brings criminals to justice.


Orangefan71 OP t1_j7jdjud wrote

Deflection at its finest. Nobody said anything about any of those other things being OK, but if you have recent local examples by all means post them. None them however, excuse the actions of these horrible excuses for women. They need to pay.


ExploitedAmerican t1_j7w9cuv wrote

Fuck those overpriced corporate bastards, nobody needs to pay. Corporate profits have increased by thousands of percentage points over the last few years meanwhile the wages of those doing the actual work have not so I don’t give one fucking shit about rich people loosing money when they already have enough of it and normal working class people can’t afford rent food never mind save enough to own a home or retire in their lifetime.

How does the boot you kick taste? You missed a little bit of shit in the heel there son.