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RickyRoma22 t1_j9pntz3 wrote

Good, people drive absolutely insane on both those roads


SassySauce516 t1_j9pudgw wrote

People drive recklessly over there so naturally we want to enforce the traffic laws over there to reduce that kind of behavior. But of course reddit still has to be like "hrm iS It qUOtA tIMe??"


whatsaphoto t1_j9q4vx7 wrote

The lane merge leading into West Shore Rd off of Hoxie has to be the closest I'll ever get to an IRL thunder dome.

I've almost been ran off the road and forced into the breakdown lane for at least a couple hundred feet a few times in the past because yet another jackass F150 refuses to let me merge in front of them, even after following all protocol for a zipper merge. I'm never not shocked at the sheer, aggressive stupidity that that intersection brings out in people.


RandomChurn t1_j9q6ak1 wrote

>I'm never not shocked at the sheer, aggressive stupidity that that intersection brings out in people.

I'm never not shocked at the sheer, aggressive stupidity that driving an F150 brings out in people


hcwhitewolf t1_j9qzytl wrote

To be fair, that merge is stupid and half the people in the left lane are turning into the Walgreens which just further fucks everything up.

Whenever I go through there I just let the person go. Who cares, not worth damaging my car over my ego.


whatsaphoto t1_j9r0px9 wrote

Between the walgreens and the dunks it's up there as one of the worst possible layouts that could've been implemented there. I'm so glad to know the dunks isn't going to be there for long though once they move next door.