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will_this_1_work t1_j9vqg0q wrote

Even if the full $2.4m is accurate that’s 6 hours of our $4.1b budget


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j9vxjk2 wrote

It's even less significant than that. That 2.4 million is probably from the time that vanity plates became available until now. A ProJo article said there's about 25,000 currently registered vanity plates right now, but they're only getting the $75-80 or whatever it is one single time per plate. Some of the active ones have been around for years, or decades even.

If I had to guess, I'd imagine that there's way less than 1,000 new ones issued in a normal year.


nebuladrifting t1_jabg14u wrote

I don’t think it’s just a one time fee though. I got one 4 years ago without reading the fine print and a few months later my registration renewal came due and it was something like $100 more just because I had vanity plates. Changed them back to the normal plates so I didn’t have to pay the increased renewal fee.