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climb-high t1_j9zzky9 wrote

I got fuuuucked by a slumlord who took my whole security deposit because I didn’t deep deep deep clean her place. Nothing broken except one cracked bathroom tile.

This bitch charged herself $50/hr to deep clean the unit on my dime since my pro cleaners didn’t do it up to her standards. Unfortunately the predatory lease allowed her to do that and multiple lawyers said it wasn’t worth my time. I had to sign it tho, I was literally “homeless” (living with friends).


follyrob t1_ja01wlj wrote

This is one of the most common ways that landlords fuck over tenants. If this ever happens in the future, you can file claims to get your deposit back without an attorney.

The landlord tenant handbook tells you exactly how to go about it:

The Rhode Island Landlord-Tenant Handbook -