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haze_snob t1_j8sbf6b wrote

Some of us work too hard for our money to be caught dead advocating for MSOs (Multi-State Operators) but thanks for playing. Fuck Sweetspot, Fuck RISE, and fuck anyone who puts MSO crap on our shelves like Rythm and all this other boof.

That stuff is TRASH. Support local cultivators and dispensaries that don't put Rythm and other crap on their shelves.

Do your research people. Stop giving your dollars to these booflords. If you absolutely have to for whatever reason, then at least buy local brands, not their shit.

edit: Downvote if you want but compare prices to Mother Earth/Aura/Slater and see how you're getting screwed over sometimes for local brands. Their own products undercut ours. This is an intentional strategy that MSOs do to ruin small craft. I seriously wouldn't shop at either RISE or Sweetspot and if you care about buying local, you shouldn't either.


Historical-Classic43 t1_j8t291e wrote

True .. first time hearing the mso term but I get it cause you go to there website and have to select Rhode Island .. thanks for that

I really only go if I can’t support local.. and boy it’s cringey walking out with 10.5 for 90$ lmaoo


haze_snob t1_j8t2l61 wrote

I have never been impressed with MSO flower. Nobody wants to admit they're smoking mids.

I had taken a long break from cannabis and then started back up while in Mass a couple years ago. Seeing the difference now between what's going on in Mass and RI's scene is astounding.

The average flower in Mass is old, mold remediated, flavorless, and lacking in aroma.

The average RI flower is smooth to smoke, has flavor, has aroma. We have tons of flower on our shelves from November or newer. December and January is the norm right now for harvest dates.

Our companies share harvest date information over the phone. Mass dispensaries hardly ever do. They insist on answering with testing date rather than harvest date at best. At worst, they make you drive there to check.

I wouldn't try the RI MSO brands because I would suspect more of what's going on in Mass quality-wise.


Historical-Classic43 t1_j8t2uiw wrote

I’ve gotten local cultivators in a MSO before tho no doubt I always look at the labels , the companies name. I’ll even go as far as to go on the dpt of business website and snoop because it’s all public except some crossed out vital info . It’s pretty wild


boiler49 t1_j8tivl0 wrote

What’s the best place in or near Providence to support local cultivators?


haze_snob t1_j8tjuuw wrote

Slater Center, Mother Earth Wellness, Aura Central Falls, in order of proximity to Providence (varies depending on where you're located exactly).