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distortionisgod t1_j8rsmh8 wrote

I went once as inpatient after a suicide attempt.

The staff was great for the most part. Very compassionate outside of one. At the time I was 26, she couldn't have been older than 35. She literally spoke to me like I was a baby all the time, even after I told her multiple times "I am a fully grown adult here for help. Not a toddler, not special needs, just a human being. Please speak to me like one". She just said I was being rude and disrespectful.

That was my only negative experience, but it's something mental healthcare professionals working with adults REALLY need to keep in mind. We're already ashamed, probably very embarrassed and not at our best. It is absolutely dehumanizing to have someone who is a peer in any other circumstance talk to you like you're a 3rd grader.

Can't say enough great things about the psychiatrist and nurses who handled my day-to-day care. They really went out of their way to make sure I had what I needed if anything arose and treated me and others on the unit with a lot of compassion and respect.


Rickshmitt t1_j8rw8e6 wrote

Same but earlier 20s. They gave me some pills and took my blood pressure a couple times. Wasnt really helpful but i also wasnt looking for help.

The people i met in there though were wonderful. Few pretty sad stories.


morbidpete84 t1_j8uewfb wrote

Spent a few years there on and off as a young child and teen for self mutilation and “suicide attempts”. I say that in quotes because it was just for attention and a way to get out of the group homes I was in as I found Butler to be much more home like and enjoyed it more than a group home. I have a lot of good memories there to be honest. Staff and fellow patients alike. While those issues are far far behind me and my mental health is very solid at this stage in my life (this was over 20 years ago) I’m glad to hear it’s still just as warm as it was. Well, except the times I would flip out and get strapped to the bed and shot with Benadryl in the ass to calm me down or thrown in the LSE room (Low Stress Environment aka padded cell) but that was on me not the staff or facility


NewEngland313 t1_j8rojhj wrote

I’ve been inpatient and outpatient a few times and they have helped me so much in my recovery ❤️‍🩹.


zporiri t1_j8rusuu wrote

Should always add a "see results" option to polls


sticksnsnails t1_j8rrpfw wrote

I haven’t had personal experience, but those I’ve talked to who’ve been in and out of psych wards praised butler immensely.


buddhamanjpb t1_j8s1a9p wrote

Never been myself, but I know several people that have done their 2 week day program and it was literally life changing.


Mehitobel t1_j8s80xn wrote

I did the partial hospital program twice when I was in my early 30’s. Everyone was super kind and patient. It really helped me to get a hold of my mental illness, and improved my day to day functioning.


Vertchewal t1_j8sqppc wrote

I was inpatient after almost two years of being in deep depression. I took advantage of all the group sessions there and had myself in a routine after a few days, it felt wonderful to feel like I wasn’t alone with my problems.

They said I was “manic” because I recovered so quickly. But after 9 days I was out and been great ever since.


EricaEquites1 t1_j8tjci9 wrote

I’ve been an impatient twice, and done day hospital three times. It would be better if they had single sex wards, as some men woukd randomly open doors hoping to find someone undressed. The food isn’t great. Since it’s Rhode Island you may run into people you know or friends of friends. There is no six degrees of separation here; it’s perhaps three on bad days. McLean has better food, more privacy, more group therapy, and feels less like minimum security jail.


bloodl3tting t1_j8uyim7 wrote

I spent a lot of time in the adolescent unit as a teenager, (over 30+ stays) and twice when I turned 18 in the adult unit. I can’t say enough about this place honestly. From the doctors, to the staff. They are hardworking people who want nothing more to help people- especially the ones that want to help themselves. The relationships I had with the staff in the adolescent unit especially, I will always, always remember.


decoysara t1_j8s5buo wrote

No, I thought they were at the time though.


SuddenlySimple t1_j8tfyjm wrote

Yes, but I went 30 yrs ago when you could smoke in there.

I know later on in life I went to a place in Mass where you could smoke.

I was never one that could quit drinking and smoking at the same time, so I always came out and drank, subsequent years going for treatment at Butler.

And when I went to the one in MA where I could smoke, I stayed sober for 8 years because I only had to focus & pay attention to the program I was in and not my overwhelming desire to escape and have a cig.

But, when Butler DID let me smoke - I still drank and it was a co-ed thing....I think honestly that is why I drank again, because I met a guy in there and we hit it off & we both just wanted to get out and drink. We were young.


[deleted] OP t1_j8u6a2g wrote

I went to a partial program there for sobriety last year and they weren’t very helpful especially with the group therapy stuff. But anyways, the hospital I usually go to for that stuff is RIH cuz my therapist is part of the lifespan network and their programs are so much better (for me at least)


PlasmaMorpho91 t1_j8vlhy4 wrote

I went there for about a week, I absolutely hated it.

Sat there and stayed quiet as the group spoke.

I've gotten worse since I left lol