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thesbaine t1_j8wrcrs wrote

It doesn't hold up. Supposedly the plume is/was on target to hit Huntington WV at some point today. No way that it's here that fast.


Longjumping-Tap-6333 t1_j8xdvj8 wrote

I'm no expert and just did some quick googling, but it seems like this chemical plume would have hit us 3-5 days after the incident?

Typical atmospheric air currents, clouds, weather move at an average of 12 mph or ~290 miles per day as the crow flies roughly west to east. This plum would of course by carried by natural air currents towards us. Maybe the density of the chemical plume is making it move more slowly? Not sure.


thesbaine t1_j8xeedt wrote

I think I misread the original article and it has more to do with the water/Ohio River. That said what I mentioned still stands as the prevailing winds would have brought it south via WV then east until the coast, then a northerly wind would have picked it up and moved it out.

I could be wrong, however.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j8wv3at wrote

yeah, most likely the ash car thing was from something much closer (if it even was ash, i only saw the photo briefly before i had coffee and I don't care enough to look it up again). And weird smells can be all sorts of things. That can be filed under shit that happens from time to time in all sorts of random places for all sorts of reasons.

Our brains are wired to link things and create patterns and connections and the modern world of social media tends to feed into that wayyyyy too much.


AdIll6974 t1_j8zk04r wrote

More than likely to hit ME than RI. Check out Maine’s research on it. They regularly check for some of the contaminates from the OH trains in their air quality whereas I’m unsure if we do!