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ziddersroofurry t1_j9275da wrote


Bring them to the local police, dude. Putting them there is like giving away the key to someone's car. Car keys contain a tracking device that can be hacked by thieves and used to locate and steal someone's automobile.


Shmogeydabear t1_j92rd7q wrote

Everyone saying bring them to the police have never dealt with RI cops….. they don’t care. At all. I called in a very apparently drunk driver and all I got was attitude in response like the cop was upset I was trying to do his job for him. The car was never pulled over and the driver probably made it home stumbled his way into his house and threw up all over himself. They just wanna put bullets into something.


JimmyHavok t1_j94axfr wrote

On the one hand RI cops do seem pretty passive, but on the other hand it seems pretty rare for them to shoot someone. Last one was that loose cannon from Pawtucket if I remember right.


JasonDJ t1_j92qmpx wrote

> Car keys contain a tracking device that can be hacked by thieves and used to locate and steal someone’s automobile.


1, most remotes are one-way, transmit only. Some get a confirmation response back, but that’s pretty much just aftermarket or high-end OEM.

2, you’re giving common car thieves way too much credit. Literally just have to walk around the nearest parking lot(s) pressing the lock button and listening for horns/beeps.


Shmogeydabear t1_j92qs95 wrote

Uh…. Don’t lose your keys when on a bike bath is probably where you should start the finger pointing