Submitted by yeehawkalian t3_11ytznd in RhodeIsland

Is there a way for me as someone who lives in pvd to go to Narragansett town beach during the day (in season) ? I know a few years back they made it residents only or something so I’m not sure. I was trying to see how much a parking pass would cost if you aren’t a resident of Narragansett but I didn’t see that option. I’m not sure how this works bc whenever I go to that beach it’s always after the lifeguards are off, so no one is checking. Is there an entry fee also? If so do u/can you buy a seasonal pass for that as a nonresident?



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iandavid t1_jd9h484 wrote

RIPTA route 14 serves Narragansett Town Beach every 2 hours. (The schedule may change before the summer season.) Bus fare is cheaper than parking and you don’t have to drive.


eastcoastflava13 t1_jd9id2g wrote

Love advice like this. It's like RI inside baseball.


iandavid t1_jd9iz7s wrote

I wish it was less of a secret! I also wish it ran more frequently than every two hours.


yeehawkalian OP t1_jddmu5i wrote

I tried that last year but it took like 2.5 hrs instead of what is a 45 min car ride


iandavid t1_jddo8bt wrote

Cheaper doesn’t mean faster, unfortunately. It’s a local route, so it makes a bunch of stops along the way. That said, it’s scheduled to take an hour and 20 minutes to get to the beach from Kennedy Plaza, which is longer than driving but not as long as you experienced. Did your bus hit extra traffic along the way?

It’s worth noting that 45 minutes from Providence is also a fairly optimistic drive time during the summer season.


pastabaniana t1_jda7ksi wrote

The RIPTA would be the perfect answer if Rhode Island had a respectable public transportation system.


iandavid t1_jdad4bf wrote

The service we do have is surprisingly decent. It runs on time and buses are clean. We just need better routes around the city and higher service frequencies. Both of which are included in the state’s transit master plan, which has been approved but not yet funded by the legislature. So if you want a respectable public transportation system, please let your reps know.


PlanetGoneCyclingOn t1_jd9fn73 wrote

Last season I believe it was $10/person and $20 for parking. They charge for both from ~9-~5. You can park for free along the seawall, but you'll have to get lucky/early. I'm not sure about season passes for non-residents though. In season is Memorial Day - Labor Day. Both the lot and the beach are free outside that time.

Edit to add: Town Council was/is discussing raising those fees even higher or expanding the window which the beach is charging. There was one fight on the beach last year, which led to all sorts of consternation from the septuagenarians that populate Nextdoor/speak at Town Council meetings that the beach was too accessible to out of towners. I don't know what came of that.


yeehawkalian OP t1_jddmp2o wrote

Damn that’s crazy. I really hope they don’t bc they would be insane. Narragansett beach is the beach everyone goes to, it’s so weird to me they’re trying to gate-keep it. it’s not even that nice lol

Also how do they know if you paid the entrance fee? Do they stamp your hand or give you a bracelet or something? Like what happens if you paid, went to get food and came back, how do they know you didn’t sneak in?


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdb3a4u wrote

Park for free along the sea wall, jump over the wall at the corner for free. If they try to trespass you site article 1 sections 16 & 17 of our state Constitution. We have inalienable rights to the shore. What the town of Narragansett has done since 1971 is unconstitutional. The beach is not an amusement ride, you can’t charge people money just to access it.


yeehawkalian OP t1_jddmee9 wrote

Why hasn’t anyone sued them yet?


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdfirlb wrote

They have been sued, a corrupt judge Frank Williams sided with the town of Narragansett. Little do people know the town actually sold a right of way to another property owner. A lot of corruption over the past 50 years.


itslareng t1_jdadvwk wrote

I believe you have to be a resident to purchase a pass (I don’t think they offer non-resident passes at all). I also think beach access is going up this year but it was $10 in the past. Unless you’re absolutely sold on Narragansett Beach, Scarborough isn’t a bad alternative and has way more parking.


yeehawkalian OP t1_jddnngq wrote

Scarborough is a little bit farther away but I don’t mind . The only think that concerns me about Scarborough is that there’s a waste treatment plant or something right next to it and I was told it leaks into the ocean or they dump there or something like that


Smackysan t1_jdaa6pc wrote

If you don’t mind walking you can park on 5th ave about mile from beach.


Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jdfy4rs wrote

Pretty sure it’s going to be $15 a person this year.

Park on the seawall at 7:30, walk onto beach free before 8:00. Enjoy.


theelectricone t1_jdawzv2 wrote

Best way: wear your suit. Take the beach bus, #14 and get off right near the beach. Then, dump your stuff over the sea wall, walk over near the coast guard house and climb over the wall. Swim in off the rocks right there (~50 yards or so, less at low tide) and get on for free. Narragansett Town beach is a racket, and I say this as a resident.


listen_youse t1_jddsohf wrote

The sand and the waves at that beach are excellent but everything else about it is annoying or worse. Where long ago was a funky little downtown right across the street from the beach is now nothing but that eyesore condo building.


yeehawkalian OP t1_jddvb7v wrote

I agree. The only reason I like going to gansett is bc it’s the closest one to me and the waves aren’t rough. I like East and Charlestown beach a lot more but the current can be so strong it feels dangerous to be in the water at times. Idk if its it’s always the case or I just wasn’t lucky bc I never seen anyone else talk about that