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la_mar t1_jd8kxpb wrote

Another option you could consider is propane. You would still have to have it delivered like oil, but I believe the cost is lower (don't quote me on this). Installation costs would be cheaper as you would not have to have the yard dug up to have the line installed. You can also have a gas range however you would have to have an appliance technician convert it to use with propane. Sorry for my Hank Hill noises.


trabblepvd t1_jd8wm7u wrote

propane is tricky as it has less btu per gallon equivelant than oil. it depends on the costs of each at the moment, and you can get into tank rental fees, and then you are pretty much stuck with whatever propane suppiler you go with. Someone who was locked in at $3.10 for propane noted oil needed to be $4.30 or more for propane to be a better deal. I think that included the propane equipment being a bit more efficient in the calc. Personally, I'd stick with oil over propane.


la_mar t1_jd9200m wrote

Fair, it's kind of a gamble whether propane or oil will be cheaper. We bulk bought propane in the $2.80/gal range ( prepaid for 800 gal and they deliver throughout the season) which I know is not an option for a lot of people due to eating an upfront cost. But since we locked in with our propane supplier for a year they waved the tank rental fees. It ended up working out for us. I think my mother ended up paying around the same total amount for 2 oil fill-ups $4 /gal * 2* 300 gal tank.