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totoop t1_jample1 wrote

I can't imagine the rage somebody must feel watching the final minutes of their own parent's life, recorded in HD, as they lie on the ground asking for help while being mocked by a group of people that are supposedly there to "protect and serve."

I'm curious how the cop apologists will spin this one, we probably just don't understand how "hard" it is to be a cop because we don't know what they go through and the kind of people they have to deal with.


FawmahRhoDyelindah t1_jamz3z9 wrote

You didn't know? The cops DO protect and serve. The wealthy.


PophamSP t1_japmnf7 wrote

gotta keep those corporate prisons full! Inventory is money!


manicmonday122 t1_jao0jbk wrote

In the video the cops tell her the hospital refused to let her back in because they medically cleared her. Tough spot to be in with little to no medical background when the physician says there is nothing wrong with her. IMO they should have called the rescue to evaluate her one she stated she couldn’t breath or before. Let the medics argue with the Dr. or transport her to another facility. The current system is totally fucked. ER wait times 10 to 20 hours on a regular basis just to get back into a room.


totoop t1_jao3wfq wrote

I think its clear that in just about every way possible, every institution tasked with caring for Lisa Edwards in the final 24hours of her life failed her.

I think what bothers me so much about her death is the likely terror and confusion she probably felt while her life was ending. She goes to a hospital fearing she is having another stroke, gets kicked out, asks for help, gets arrested, asks for help, gets mocked by police, asks for help, dies alone in the backseat of a police car. Its the callousness she was shown by the last line of people that COULD have done something to save her life but chose not to. The same people that are supposed to deal with life or death situations regularly in their line of work.

I just can't see anything that Lisa could have possibly done differently in this situation to help herself better, which is what she was trying to do, help herself.


barsoapguy t1_jap4up4 wrote

I mean your final point is the most realistic one.I’d guess the assumption the police would make would just be your run of the mill mentally Ill drug addicted homeless person or some such.

If the hospital says she’s been attended to and needs to be removed from the premises then what more can they do ? The police are not doctors qualified to overrule the hospital.


totoop t1_jarjx0f wrote

Cops are too easily influenced by their preconceived notions about interacting with the public - they will tell you the public lies through their teeth at every opportunity but will take somebody's word as fact if it gives them justification for aggression or indifference.

How many of these cops are also licensed medical first responders? Even if she was a "run of the mill mentally ill person" (which I think you're exactly right about - they made that assumption) that how we want somebody to be treated by the police when they're having a breakdown? That's disgusting.

If police are capable of showing compassion to Dylann fucking Roof after he murdered 9 people by buying him a burger - I'd expect an equal level of professionalism and compassion to a mentally ill person......which again, she wasn't, the police were just flat out wrong with their assumptions (that what the hospital told them was a fact).


barsoapguy t1_jarsofr wrote

I mean the cops are human beings, most people don’t have the same level of compassion that you speak of when having to deal with the drug addicts and the mentally Ill on the daily. Their basically human dog catchers running around the city constantly having to deal with these folks and their issues.

By and large the cops tend to be compassionate enough when dealing with them but obviously their going to have times where they just get frustrated with their behavior 🤷🏿‍♂️