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allhailthehale t1_jao468y wrote

>Okay, but here's the thing. If an electrician comes to your house says your house is safe then your real estate agent is going to believe them, they aren't the expert, the only thing they can do is get another opinion.

Sure. In this case I don't think it's necessarily on the cops that they took her away from the hospital initially-- that's indicative of a fucked up medical system that is using the police as a tool.

But that doesn't excuse the attitude of the cops-- the huge amount of total dick behavior and absolute callousness on display here that led them to ignore her worsening symptoms and make her last moments so horrible.

Both systems are sick. No one gets off the hook here.


WickedDog310 t1_jao7z0r wrote

I'm not in any way saying it excuses the attitude of the cops. Their attitude, their lack of care and their delay in getting her care. I would think it would be worth looking at to see if it meets the definition of negligent homicide. Can they really stand by and watch someone in medical crisis and not do anything? As she was in their custody they had a duty of care. They can't override the doctors at that medical facility. But it should have been treated like any other trespassing case. Where if I call the police because your trespassing at my house, and you start experiencing a medical emergency, they are required to call an ambulance. I don't care if she was being trespassed from a medical facility. She was in their care and should have received medical transport and a new admit to a different facility.


barsoapguy t1_jap5pbb wrote

But why would they take her to a new facility when the hospital stated she was fine and ordered her removed ? Wouldn’t she have been arguing with the cops when they arrived that she needed more care , then I’m sure the hospital staff would have argued back that she’s fine and needs to go.

After she’s with the police of course their going to think she was faking it in order to go back to said hospital she was just removed from.

It definitely sounds like the failure was on the hospital.