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Thac0 t1_je2hmox wrote

They can play at Pierce Field in EP until tidewater is finished!


jjayzx t1_je37u0h wrote

There used to be a soccer team that played there when I was growing up, The Stingrays.


AFTERMIDNIGHTRI t1_je3rbjh wrote

Yes sir that's what people say so Bringing a soccer team there with so much great soccer history wouldn't bother me until the official stadium is done. It would be a great homecoming.


AFTERMIDNIGHTRI t1_je2sevr wrote

Alot of people were saying this and I don't think it's a bad idea. It's a good place to host a few games ti the stadium is built.


Thac0 t1_je2w79y wrote

It’s a great idea, I live in that neighborhood and would love to see it


AFTERMIDNIGHTRI t1_je2x14j wrote

I just want this team to play I know this state loves its soccer so having a stadium for it would be great. Either way along as the team plays I'll be a supporter.


101955Bennu OP t1_je34t4n wrote

I’ll be buying tickets to see them wherever they play!