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[deleted] t1_je3pa9n wrote


101955Bennu OP t1_je3uiss wrote

I think that’s significant hyperbole. I’ve had to be seen in the emergency room twice in the last year at Miriam and was seen in under an hour both times. I also hardly think a privately owned hospital shutting down without negotiating with the city or state or following proper procedure of notifying the state boards before closing departments can be equated with building a soccer stadium, and frankly I don’t see how they’re related, considering a hospital was never an alternative competing proposal. We just love soccer, we love the team, and we want to share our excitement and hopefully get other people excited, too. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you, but we’re gonna be there cheering either way!


Proof-Variation7005 t1_je552y0 wrote

>You know what I hate? Having to wait 12+ hours to be seen at RI hospital emergency room.

I'm not sure how soccer impacts that. You ever watch one of those games? Those guys break bones and tear every ligament and then heal themselves like Wolverine within 90 seconds.

I can't see them impacting the hospital capacity one way or another.