Submitted by fruit_cats t3_122u4lh in RhodeIsland

So back in December a few weeks after I told my job I am pregnant they suddenly decided that they “needed to restructure my department” in a way that resulted in me no longer having a job.


But anyway to the issue at hand, despite my sincere best efforts, I haven’t been able to find another job. I often make it to the second round of interviews, then when I go in in-person and they see me, I get dropped.

My unemployment will run out a few weeks after the baby is born and I’m trying to decide my best options. The unemployment and TDI websites aren’t super clear.

  • is there an unemployment extension after the standard 26 weeks? Some places say yes, but others say it was only for covid.

  • if there is an extension, can I stay on it or do I have to go on TDI after the birth?

  • can you go on TDI if you have been unemployed for 6 months?

  • how much do you get from TDI and how long do you stay on it?

I’m going to call on Monday but before I spend 3 hours on hold I was wondering if anyone had any insight.



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Status_Silver_5114 t1_jds5ixn wrote

Also might be worth calling a legal services firm and chatting over your “restructuring” situation at work.


fruit_cats OP t1_jds8z00 wrote

Oh, I did, we started to sue and we ended up settling for a pretty small amount.

Every lawyer I talked to said it would be hard to prove and a very long case since they technically eliminated my position (even though they hired someone with a very slightly different title to replace me).

So we took the money.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_jds9jkc wrote

Ugh. I’m sorry this happened to you.


fruit_cats OP t1_jdsfyef wrote

It’s okay, if you are planning on starting a family then Centreville Bank marketing department is not the place to be employed!


Startrackerbeta t1_jdrzvsm wrote

Not sure that you can get tdi/tci if you are unemployed. I would assume not. You should really contact the DLT directly.


fruit_cats OP t1_jds0oa4 wrote

I know you can, if you have been employed and have earned over $14,000 within the last 5 quarters, which I have, at least that much is clear on their website.

TDI is separate from unemployment and is for different things.

I’m just confused about the rest, but I’ll call tomorrow and see if I can get it if figured out.


Riff_Raff66 t1_jdsooua wrote

I sincerely wish you good luck. I'm not sure at all, but perhaps being pregnant, you make be able to get an unemployment extension


bbpr120 t1_jdv8xm5 wrote

I've had better luck emailing the TDI offices than I ever have with trying to reach a human via the phones.