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skippyspk t1_jb58tfh wrote

Reply to comment by busback in Night life by [deleted]

Don’t listen to this poster. You’re going to look like an AH or a predator.

That being said, there could be some places where you can meet folks. The thing is, you can’t be there just to meet folks. Do something you like. Brewery tours! Church events! Satanic events! Pottery class! Volunteer!

The advantage of a dating app is everyone’s usually there for the same thing. You’ve cut through the song and dance up front and you don’t have to worry about offending someone by saying that they’re beautiful or how their eyepatch compliments their bangs or whatever.

But you pull that shit at a bar…wildcard.


busback t1_jb5qf3o wrote

There’s nothing wrong with complimenting someone or being flirty in real life when you’re initiating contact, as long as you respect boundaries and stop instantly if you’re rejected