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Cinema_King t1_jef0s3w wrote

Keep that right wing culture war bullshit out of Rhode Island


Jack__Squat t1_jefy714 wrote

Whenever I hear people talking about "parents rights" I hear "don't teach my kid to think for themselves or they'll realize I'm full of shit."


quahaug1945 t1_jegwa5g wrote

How can teaching people to focus on their differences with other people be construed as teaching them to "think for themselves"?


Gsquzared t1_jef5dp7 wrote

Reading the proposed legislation is wild. It's like "I think we can all agree that nobody is born racist, so let's never ever talk about it again"


tourfwenty t1_jefga3u wrote

Why won’t that miserable fuck go away and enjoy her few remaining years.


BigDaddyCoolDeisel t1_jefpw4s wrote

What is the legislation regarding in-school suspension? The rest are abhorrent but if that bill is about isolating the kids who obviously do not give a shit about education and are only there to disrupt, fuck em. I'd rather the other 28 kids learn without distraction.


Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jefzvyv wrote

Uprise RI is the least reliable and biased “media” around. Trash.


GhostOpera406 OP t1_jeg08pp wrote

Most of the article focuses on the footage featuring the testimony. What's the issue? Also, telling that you don't even mention Sinclair in your list of "least reliable and biased "media""


Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jeg6d1o wrote

Uprises is trash the head of it is the liberal version of a crazy trump supporter. Spouts biased garbage daily with little credibility. Don’t try to setup a false comparison this isn’t uprise OR Sinclair. Both are garbage. I’ll go a step further and almost all media organizations are garbage. I’ll look at once I a while to see where media blind spots and coverage is that’s about it. If something is important I’ll eventually hear about it. Media is a virus.


SadAerie6351 t1_jeffqt5 wrote

These are some high quality bills. Vote yes on all of them./
