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wyldweasil t1_jdlsyea wrote

I would not recommend it. Lived there 5 years and here's why:

Parking is tight because the parking lot is striped improperly. This causes your neighbors to occasionally park over the lines and you may be out of a spot because of this. Guest parking spots are rarely adhered to.

I get that staff might be different now, but at the time I lived there if something broke in your apartment Maintenance would at first imply it was something you did. They installed the incorrect HVAC units in most apartments and they're loud, your heater will sound like the gates of hell opening when it kicks on in the winter, hope you have a loud TV. Had a black mold problem because they didn't clean the gutters...ever...

Mineral Spring Ave is the worst, I hope you don't need to get anywhere that way. You'll spend a lot of time ducking onto side routes just to avoid it.

Hope you don't like food delivery, 9/10 I had to guide the Grub Hub/Door Dash drivers to my building because at the time nothing was labeled or a sign posted as to where each building sat on the long property. I even had 2 drivers give up because I wouldn't drive from the back of the complex to meet them at building 1. That's not delivery, that's pickup.

The Gym and pool are ok as long as the other residents aren't bringing in over the amount of allowed guests, which seems to be the regular.

To the few positives: The gym is decent and has more equipment than most other complexes I've been too, the appliances are a lot more modern than other places I've been too.


zacko9zt OP t1_jdm5t9b wrote

Thank you for the info!


wyldweasil t1_jdmagmp wrote

no prob, not trying to be a negative nelly, and I get that experiences may vary, but there are a lot more issues I had I didn't list because it wasn't worth going into.
But I really should've mentioned those drafty broken windows


zacko9zt OP t1_jdmbagd wrote

Yea, it’s easier to remember /bring up the bad things. But also “the bad things” are what I need to know lol.

I feel like drafty windows are a staple to Rhode Island/ New England in general. I can’t get away from them


wyldweasil t1_jdmgzks wrote

I was always hoping they'd replace them but gave up on it when I saw where it sat on the people who owned the property's priorities considering what other developments they owned throughout New England, especially those newer ones by the mall.