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KemperTemper1 t1_jdmsyti wrote

Doubt they were from PFAS.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_jdmud2d wrote

Looks like you are right. I was wrong.

This supports your point of view (From NIH 2006):

> We observed an association between estimated maternal prenatal PFOA concentration and defects of the brain among live births, but the number of reported defects was small and within the range of what would be expected. In contrast to the weak indications for increased risk at the highest exposure in previous studies, we observed little evidence of an association with congenital heart defects [28, 29]. In addition, essentially no association with oral clefts was observed despite prior toxicological support from animal studies. Findings were largely null for the remaining defects.



KemperTemper1 t1_jdmysu5 wrote

Honestly, you never know. They’re still prescribing Zofran to pregnant women. I personally know 3 women 2 of which whose children had a cleft lip/pallet and one of which’s children had a heart defect. If you read the studies on that up on until a few years ago, they were not yet linking Zofran to the birth defects.