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Pdmnt t1_jbepdi7 wrote

Why does Burrillville have such a ridiculous field?


theanti_girl t1_jbeszzh wrote

Am I just blind or are North Smithfield and Smithfield High Schools missing?


401jamin t1_jbeu8v5 wrote

East providence high is missing. It’s a new school with fields in the front


Teccnomancer t1_jbewi9q wrote

Ah the Johnston high right field wall. If you could push the ball you were money.


Heddlok t1_jbfbbfz wrote

Chariho isn’t there either guys!


dweeb_plus_plus t1_jbfjydk wrote

OP it's great that you have a passion project but if I can offer some feedback.

  • What are you trying to convey here? It's not clear. Acreage of a field that in most of the cases (based on your footnote) is arbitrary and tells me nothing.
  • A quick verification of some of your wacky field shapes, and the photos in your post history, reveal that perhaps you've been too literal with your HR boundaries.
  • Google Maps is an aggregator of several sources of imagery and isn't a reliable source for this type of work. I suggest using the RIGIS satellite imagery which is higher resolution and consistent.

TheArts t1_jbfogma wrote

Johnson HS left handers racking up home runs.


2nd_TimeAround t1_jbgh2nh wrote

Lischio in north Kingstown is one of the best ball parks in the state


Mortal-Cynical-42 t1_jbgorjj wrote

I don’t care about high school or baseball but this is still pretty cool, thanks