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Theo_dore229 t1_je265bb wrote

I think people are kind of misunderstanding what OP was trying to ask. There are 100% instances where people test positive for drugs and it’s removed from any report given to the employer. Painkillers, stimulants like adderall, and certain anti-anxiety medications will all show up on drug tests. If you provide a prescription for those medications when you fill out your paperwork prior to the drug test, they cannot reveal to the potential employer that you were taking those medications. It’s a HIPPA violation. On the flip side If someone has no prescriptions for those medications, then it will show that they tested positive for it.

This is what I believe OP is asking. If he has a medical marijuana card, will a positive marijuana result be treated like someone who is prescribed adderall and tests positive for amphetamine, or someone prescribed Vicodin, testing positive for opiates, etc. Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer. But I believe it likely varies quite a bit between employers, as there is no federal law like there is with HIPPA.


magentablue t1_je2esr7 wrote

I work in onboarding for a staffing agency and in my experience MMJ is not handled like prescription medications are, even if a medical card is presented. The notes will say a card was verified but the test will show as being flagged positive.

That being said, we work with a bunch of federal clients and some accept a positive MMJ test if you have a medical card.


PigpenMcKernan t1_je2fdze wrote

I understood his question and you are correct. It does not matter if you have a prescription for marijuana in the same way that a prescription for stimulants or painkillers would negate the positive test result. As long as marijuana is federally schedule 1 (or more likely as long as it’s scheduled at all) it won’t matter if you are using recreational or medically when it comes to employment.