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GlotzbachsToast t1_jbv3mfl wrote

A house came up for sale in westerly (where we are looking) the other week and we were legitimately so excited. It was a small bungalow, needed a little updating but would have made a perfect starter home for us. It was also under 400k and seemed too good to be true. It was close enough to where we live now that I walked by to make sure we weren’t being house-catfished.

It was pending sale literally 24 hour later. Didn’t even make it to the open house.


bigolenate t1_jbv753m wrote

Gotta get in good with a realtor who can show you something before an open house - avoid the whole bidding war if possible


Constant_Aspect9955 t1_jbwefrs wrote

A good realtor lol. You don’t need a realtor fir anything but giving away your money.


acciodragons t1_jbwi8o8 wrote

You don’t pay a realtor when you’re buying


Constant_Aspect9955 t1_jbwifzn wrote

You don’t need a realtor for anything.


acciodragons t1_jbwik7e wrote

Then don’t get one. I’m just saying you’re not throwing away your money because you don’t pay them. And mine sure made my life a hell of a lot easier by doing all the work.


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_jbx165k wrote

I think I know that house! Do you have a realtor? I know a good one in Westerly if you need one.


GlotzbachsToast t1_jbxmmc4 wrote

We don’t yet! Still very much early, but I think that’s the next step


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_jbz79o9 wrote

I used Annie Fox, she has a good network and got us the house we wanted and needed. There’s also Kimber Pope-Kettlety, she’s like the queen of So County real estate so I’m not sure if she’s accepting buyers as clients.


Ashby238 t1_jbx33es wrote

Check out Bradford. It’s one of the Westerly Villages so you get the lower taxes and it has tons of hiking trails. We love it.


GlotzbachsToast t1_jbxm7wk wrote

We have been looking there! I have basically all of westerly and Chariho area saved on Zillow 😂


nbreadcrumb t1_jbxow8c wrote

Well that’s a terrible realtor. Should have had it on the market for at least a week to get multiple parties interested. Sorry 😞