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[deleted] t1_jbw9it1 wrote



RIDG86 t1_jbwdydm wrote

Plenty of people are still buying, I’ve been to open houses that are packed, homes in certain desirable locations barely last a week, if that, before they are sold. So wtf are you talking about….


Constant_Aspect9955 t1_jbwe643 wrote

Wrong. You gotta be a fool to buy with these interest rates. So. You’re all fools.


RIDG86 t1_jbwekep wrote

Wrong? It’s a fact people are still buying and homes are being sold quickly. Is it foolish? I don’t know bud, rents are going up so one can argue not buying is foolish.


Constant_Aspect9955 t1_jbwg23i wrote

Current 30 mortgage rate is 7.2% and the homes are massively overpriced. Suckers are buying now. Stupid people.


Constant_Aspect9955 t1_jbwf0yw wrote

Dummies are buying. I’m one year what they paid will drop by 200k. Wait.


RIDG86 t1_jbwgbaf wrote

I mean you went from declaring no one was buying, to stating only dummies are buying. We can wait if you want, but i can tell you your take is for sure wrong. Unless we build more housing, the best we can hope for is that prices flatten. But you are entitled to your opinion not to the name calling. You take is trash tho, feel free to try again.