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HuggerOrangeCamaro t1_jdx1eaf wrote

Can't stress this enough, you need to wear 200 to 500 square inches of fluorescent orange during the hunting seasons where hunting is allowed.


fishythepete t1_jdxlf77 wrote

To add to this - unless you’re 100% sure hunting isn’t allowed where you’re going, wear orange anyway.


imuniqueaf t1_jdy2q2p wrote

I always wear an orange hat and my dog wears an orange bandana or vest. At least if I get lost or hurt, I'll have another signaling device.


bunnybates OP t1_jdyne3x wrote

I'd be scared to take my dog out because of ticks and if they get hurt.


beerspeaks t1_je0qz8z wrote

It's okay to be cautious, but with this attitude, why even bother leaving the house?

Being in New England, ticks are everywhere. My dog picks them up even just being out in our yard. Keep them up to date on Frontline/Nexguard/etc, and be vigiliant with checks. But getting a dog out for a nice long hike/walk is great for you and the dog.


ClamAlot t1_jdzoyue wrote

yep ri dem doesnt mess around w the orange rule!


bunnybates OP t1_je0l145 wrote

I'm gonna get one at Walmart. Thanks again. It's funny because my husband got our dog an orange reflective jacket from Duluth for her walks.