Submitted by Affectionate_Worth82 t3_1214vd8 in RhodeIsland


I got pulled over for a suspended registration. I was told i cannot pay this online and must show up to court. If i decide to say screw it and let them have a default judgement, should i expect to have my door busted down or will i just get a fine billed to me as it should've been from the start?



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fishythepete t1_jdkecbs wrote

You’ll get a default judgment (you’re guilty), probably more fines, possibly your license or registration revoked. If showing up is a hardship be an adult and let them know. If you know better than them how it should have been handled, you’re gonna do you no matter what anyone says.


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkewwm wrote

I asked so i can make an educated decision. Don't be a smart ass, i asked because i don't know everything.


fishythepete t1_jdkjgb3 wrote

>will i just get a fine billed to me as it should've been from the start?

Cool you do you. I’ll help you though - there’s only one educated decision when the question is “Should I show up for a mandatory court appearance?”


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkkcha wrote

Must be a great view from that high horse you're currently sitting upon. I am but a squire to your infallible and superior logic my lord.


fishythepete t1_jdklt4q wrote

High horse? Understanding that when you are required to show up in court, that it means that you are not special and are in fact required to show up in court, is elitist? The person who understands that they have to follow the rules is acting superior to the person who thinks the rules shouldn’t apply to them because they know better?

That’s a take.


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkmi03 wrote

To quote from you. “You do you”

I didn’t ask for special treatment. I’m weighing my options.


PuzzleheadedActive68 t1_jdkf5j0 wrote

They will suspend your license. If you register the car and show them they will throw it out.


PuzzleheadedActive68 t1_jdkgcyf wrote

I have done it. Also, if you go over any of the bridges with anything suspended or expired they are sending fines in the mail.


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkfjso wrote

The car is too expensive to fix. It is a non moving violation, that seems heavy handed


RIDG86 t1_jdl0xy4 wrote

If you junk the car and show proof of that they often will throw the ticket out with court costs.


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdl7ufe wrote

The car belongs to me, not the judge or the state. I’d rather pay the 90$ and fix my car when I can afford it.


RIDG86 t1_jdmz6on wrote

Then stop driving it until you fix it. Police departments have the discretion to tow the car, next time it might be a pricier than just a ticket. If you don’t show up they will default you and you just owe what you owe plus court costs…not sure if that will eventually impact your license too but that’s the risk you run


PuzzleheadedActive68 t1_jdkhr0p wrote

They are douchebags. In 2018 I bought a new car and stupidly didn't transfer the registration. I transfered my insurance. I handed in my plates a day after I was suppose to and 2 years later they made me pay hundreds of dollars to renew the more recent registration.

I had received a notice saying they were going to suspend the other registration for not having insurance on the older vehicle. Which I had transfered a few weeks previous. So I dropped off plates in person and in the end they fined me. No letter in the mail for that. They also said I didn't have proof I junked the car. I HATE RI operator control. They do not budge and they do not care.


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkq73h wrote

They seem to have a heavy hand and are not afraid to use it for sure.


PuzzleheadedActive68 t1_jdn0uzs wrote

There must be quite a few people who work for the DMV on here because I even got down voted for posting the link to "Know your Rights".

People are ridiculous. If anyone here thinks all the money the DMV collects from us is going back into RI you are a living in a fantasy land. Look at the amount of tax we have to pay!! Buying the car there is tax. Then we have to pay tax to the town or cities we live in, yearly. Gas tax. Tax on mataining the vehicle. I know someone who had an expired license and couldn't get into the dmv due to covid restrictions. They let their brother borrow their car to go to work in Newport, because his car was getting fixed. She was hit with a fine and would need to go to court to prove that she wasn't driving the car. Our insurance rates are some of the highest in the country.

I am pretty liberal but the fact that cameras are set up to send out tickets is against our rights as an American Citizen.


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdn1k5q wrote

It’s because in these peoples minds you have no rights. Just a bunch of wannabe autocrats. Real sad honestly. Then they go on about much of an adult they are and they worked so hard. What a guy. Lol


Over_Art_921 t1_jdke2cw wrote

Going to court is always to your advantage. I've missed and skipped traffic court bc as you seem to be aware it's fucking stupid. But it doesn't end well. I have been arrested for it but I think they ended that practice for traffic court. If you show up they waive everything and charge court costs. But every situation is different. They won't kick your door down. So thats good. Let me know how it turns out. I enjoy civil disobedience myself


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkeoth wrote

It is pretty damn stupid. It costs the state more to have a judge rule on a 90 dollar ticket than it does to just bill me. Id rather be out 90 bucks than show up to court at 9 am on a monday.

I can make more money, i can't earn more time on this earth.


Over_Art_921 t1_jdkvn1b wrote

Yeah I agree. But they don't. I love taking city hall on head to head. But they always win


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdvysdf wrote

I have an update for ya. Didn’t wind up going and I have to pay an extra amount but it’s not absurdly high. No warrant was issued.


Over_Art_921 t1_jdyi62a wrote

Sounds like you may have been better served to not go. That's handy. Thanks for filling me in. Is probably do the same tbh


Proper_Boss523 t1_jdkv6wn wrote

definitely show up to Court, pay it, and have some peace of mind


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkvxes wrote

For sure, I am going to rent a car to get to court as i cannot drive the car i have now as the reg is suspended.

I just figured weigh my options out.


sullybanger t1_jdkf2zb wrote

Had my license suspended for no showing/no paying same ticket like ten years ago. They also towed my car during the initial stop, that sucked

Edit: Expired Registration


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkfdad wrote

This is a non moving civil violation. So I am mostly concerned if they will suspend my license over a non moving violation.


Own-Ad5032 t1_jdlx0hh wrote

Happened to me last year just show up it'll take a second they dismissed mine just had to pay a court fee and was out in no time


leonpinneaple t1_jdm7zi5 wrote

I am not a lawyer but I’d worry about a bench warrant. You might find yourself arrested if you get pulled over again.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jdlvmqk wrote

You’ll get a default warrant, just show up to court and work with them. It’s better than the warrant


operatic_tragedy t1_jdlygcm wrote

Usually if you show up they will start to negotiate what you will pay. Not showing up will be WAY more money spent in the long run. 3 hours Max of your life....Oh and be sure to show up EARLY so you can be one of the first to sign in.


RickRI401 t1_jdrm577 wrote

Go to court or you'll get an FTA and a warrant for your arrest.