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Hellsgatekeeper479 t1_jdya61c wrote

Your missing the point that they’ll spend the money on the atv/dirt bike but not money on a truck to haul em cus that’s “too country”


somegridplayer t1_jdzm9mf wrote

>they’ll spend the money on the atv/dirt bike

Most of these bikes and quads are old and shitty or stolen.


svenskfox t1_je1hlmp wrote

Same deal in NYC. I used to live in rural NJ and a family member had his ATV stolen out of his locked garage. Turned up in Brooklyn a week later. A lot of the bikes you see ripping around East Coast cities are stolen, so they don't care if they have to ditch it when running from police. Pretty frustrating.


jn494 t1_jdyrks5 wrote

They get a kick out of riding in the city


infromthestorm t1_jdzfo49 wrote

Like cornering and threatening a woman with two small children. Fucking low life scum.


big_whistler t1_jdznx39 wrote

Lot easier to make space for a bike or an ATV than a truck. Cost is also different.


evilchris t1_je0abvu wrote

This is really one of the worst arguments. A cheap dirt bike is significantly less expensive than a medium tier full suspension mountain bike.


degggendorf t1_jdzpj2j wrote

I think you might be missing the point that ATVs are dirt cheap and take little space to store.

Trucks and trailers are expensive and take up tons of room.

I don't think it's merely about appearances.