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allhailthehale t1_jdzpob1 wrote

No way. It tears up the trails and is disruptive and dangerous for anyone hiking. Designated off road trails-- fine. But otherwise, definitely not better.


evilchris t1_je0aprw wrote

The sand dunes in big river is the perfect area to sanction. I wish RIDEM could get their head out of their own ass and work to accommodate all user groups.

Shit that land was taken from the public via eminent domain for a project that never happened…


Designer_Dot_1492 t1_je0f4nx wrote

I agree that the dunes should be reopened as a riding area, however these jerks will never go there to ride. It doesn't server their purpose, and it would be too far for them to ride there, lol.


overthehillhat t1_je1kwhj wrote

They just wanna ride wild - -

where they can see - -

and be seen-

not in the woods/rural areas