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RoastyToasty3 t1_jchx00h wrote


samcar330 t1_jci8ndi wrote

The rhode island - Florida pipeline must be studied, you'll be back.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jckbh80 wrote

are you the man they write all the weird headlines about?


RoastyToasty3 t1_jckomli wrote

Yes. Yes I am. And it’s true, everyone down here is crazy. It’s definitely NOT a veil FL projects to keep our property taxes down and the secret that if you enjoy spring/summer all the time then this is the place for you.

I spent my last two winters in RI making small talk to strangers of “ugh, this cold weather, amirite?” And having people respond “I love it, couldn’t wait for fall.” And I figured out it was me.

lastly, Yes, DeSantis is fucking nuts and many residents think that.


ToadstoolsRule t1_jci6ehi wrote

At least you have nicer weather!

We move where we have to in order to survive. No shame in it, friend.


hobomom t1_jcozawq wrote

Have you spent a summer there yet? I abhor the cold, but in Florida if you want to do something like go for a run in the summer you need to be done by 9am or else you die.


RoastyToasty3 t1_jcup2xx wrote

2 summers, going on my 3rd. I love it. In Central FL there’s more of a change in temp in morning, noon and evening. But in the summer I definitely have to plan around the heat.