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wormholeweapons t1_jdiufnp wrote

Let’s be clear. The issue isn’t “dirt bikes”. Because this very thing can happen with street legal bikes and conversely riding an off road vehicle smartly on roads doesn’t result in this either. In The Caribbean off road and on road vehicles share the roads all the time without incident.

The issue is being reckless and riding like it’s play time.


give_me_wine t1_jdjd4go wrote

I think the most reckless part about it is that this bike didn’t have turn signals, brake lights, or headlights. Plus this crash happened at night, so how are you going to ride a dirt bike on the road at night with no lights and not expect to crash into something?


WickedxJosh t1_jdj76vq wrote

Inatimate objects are never the issue. Its the people that use them. But we'll probably just introduce some new laws against dirt bikes or something stupid


BernedTendies t1_jdn4snm wrote

> Let’s be clear. The issue isn’t “dirt bikes”. Because this very thing can happen with street legal bikes

Sure, a street legal bike can be crashed but a street legal bike needs to have headlights. So 🤷‍♀️


wormholeweapons t1_jdng615 wrote

Driving your street legal bike at night with the lights off. Or if they aren’t working at all. Is the same effect. Same thing can happen with a car. THAT is the reckless part.

Off road vehicles have headlights too. They don’t have turn signals. But that’s not the issue.

RECKLESSNESS is the root cause here.


BernedTendies t1_jdnghlz wrote

lol idk why you’re arguing completely against headlights. Maybe it can be both?! I certainly know an illegal bike without legal lights didn’t help the situation that played out the other night. I think we can agree on that.

Edit: obviously these two dead people were being reckless idiots. Saying the bike isn’t the issue is also flatly wrong