Submitted by Rogue-Island-Pirate t3_11wkxqg in RhodeIsland

From the Article: "Foulkes said she wants to focus on priorities closer to home

by Ian Donnis

Former gubernatorial candidate Helena Buonanno Foulkes announced Monday that she isn’t running for the open seat in Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District, while state Sen. Sandra Cano became the second prominent Democrat to enter the race.

Foulkes said she was humbled by encouragement to pursue the seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. David Cicilline."



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mkmck t1_jcyt2hj wrote

Foulkes saying no thanks should surprise no one. There was no way in hell she was going to give up her high-paying CEO gig for a spot at the bottom of a 435 person organization...especially with the current make up of that body. Governor? Absolutely. Senator? Maybe. Rep? NFW.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jcyxlu9 wrote

The only way it'd make sense to me is if she had a ton leftover in her campaign account, which seemed unlikely given the insane amount of local TV ad buys she got.


mkmck t1_jcyzna5 wrote

Even if she did have some cash left, she could easily donate that cash to another candidate, or to the party, if she wasn't going to use it. She could also donate it to charity. She just couldn't convert it to personal use, which she hardly needs anyway. I just can't imagine any scenario where anyone with her gig, salary, and power would give it up to be at the bottom of a 435 person cluster-bleep.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jcz1y7s wrote

> I just can't imagine any scenario where anyone with her gig, salary, and power would give it up to be at the bottom of a 435 person cluster-bleep.

"I really want to meet George Santos to find out what that guy's deal is" is the best I got lol


Kelruss t1_jcz8mlv wrote

I don’t think it would’ve been to stay. The path would be win the special, win again in 2024, come back in 2026 or 2030 and run for Governor as a sitting Congresswoman. This is the same rationale I think other “big” name candidates would’ve been using. Being Congressperson gives you access to press coverage that you otherwise would have to generate.

But also, I don’t believe she is a CEO anymore? She left HBC a few years ago.


iandavid t1_jczfvb8 wrote

She isn’t currently a CEO, though. She left CVS in 2018 and the Hudson’s Bay Company in 2020. All she does today is serve on a bunch of boards for various companies and organizations, which is usually only an advisory thing.


therealDrA t1_jczc1m3 wrote

I think Foulkes will run for governor in 2026. What is the tea on Ms Cano?


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jcyw1p9 wrote

I don't get why Foulkes would've ever considered it unless she had a ton of leftover campaign cash. There really aren't many executive types looking to become the lowest rung on a totem pole with 400+ people above you.


idkwhatimdoing25 t1_jczndmz wrote

Honestly, she probably didn't really consider it but is just saying so to sound respectful so she can run for Gov again in 2026.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jczwkkr wrote

fair point. just because she didn't publicly rule herself out immediately doesn't mean she was ever seriously considering it.


[deleted] t1_jcysmgo wrote



Proof-Variation7005 t1_jcyvttw wrote

You don't need to actually live in the congressional district for the Reps, just being a resident of the state is enough. Magaziner's house is in CD1 but he represents CD2.


boulevardofdef t1_jd5zkwq wrote

Magaziner actually moved to CD2 after being criticized by his primary opponents for not living in the district, but yes, he was under no legal obligation to do so.