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Plenty_Butterscotch4 t1_jczsh9y wrote

This isn't shocking. Rhode Island isn't just Providence. I've lived here forever and the further north, west and south you get from PVD the more red the state gets. Just because there's more land and less people doesn't mean that those folks aren't going to elect assholes like this guy. I have family that lives in a lot of those parts of the state. I don't talk to my family much...


therealDrA OP t1_jczsw4p wrote

Yeah, I know Scittuate is MAGAt Q land. It is basically every city that doesn't touch the bay or Atlantic.


AlabasterRadio t1_jd0cw6y wrote

I'm from the Foster/Glocester and Burrillville area and damn, you'd think you were in Alabama.


rlc327 t1_jd09i2z wrote

I’ve noted before, the East-West split in RI during the recent elections matched the North-South split in the US


[deleted] t1_jd25jmn wrote

I live in Scituate and I'm far from Maga and Q because I'm not a moron


boulevardofdef t1_jd1jtoh wrote

I'll never forget in the summer of 2016, only three years after I moved here, I had to drive my son up to camp in Burrillville every day for a week, and oh my God. I would estimate literally every third house had a Trump sign, and every second house had a "NO NEW POWER PLANT NORTHERN RI" sign, which made me really angry because every house with a Trump sign also had a power-plant sign, and Trump was the guy running on increasing energy production from pollutants.


lazydictionary t1_jd2ldme wrote

Burrillville voted for Obama twice. It's complicated.

I've also seen multiple BLM signs throughout town.

Everyone is very pro-environment here. But people also love their guns.