Submitted by vodkanipples t3_xt3ytq in RhodeIsland

I'm looking for a primary care physician in Warwick area if possible. I'm 45 male have always avoided doctors but have multiple issues that I can't put off any longer. I don't like bossy doctors, I'm the customer, I want someone who understands that they make recommendations and I make the decisions. Thanks in advance for any help.



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Guyincognito4269 t1_iqntoja wrote

Then go pay for someone to kiss your ass and tell you you're fine. It seems like you don't want medical assistance. It'll probably be cheaper too.


JCKRVSL t1_iqnvizq wrote

You’ve been the boss, and now look. Hand over the keys bud. It’ll be better.


gaulileo t1_iqnuqfp wrote

Its always up to you what you do. Doctors do just recommend. Nobody is forcing you. You do have to understand that are way more knowledgeable than you are. But if you’re not going to do what they say whats the point lol.


techsavior t1_iqo6i1h wrote

Coastal Medical in East Greenwich.

I’ve dealt with several of the docs and specialists and I’ve had a positive experience so far.


vodkanipples OP t1_iqo7p1m wrote

Thank you. Finally a recommendation.


techsavior t1_iqo7uhf wrote


If you’re coming in off the street, they’re gonna want to run some tests. I’ve had the asshole doctor and practice experience (North Prov Primary Care), but you also get out what you put into it. If you walk in with a full head of steam and demand something, they’re not gonna listen to you.


Moelarrycheeze t1_iqolq14 wrote

Isn’t that the guy who put up a painting on the side of his building of the north providence mayor “sitting on the can”?


techsavior t1_iqolyr4 wrote

Yes - and that was awesome BTW - but he’s still a minging knob that’s as thick as 2 short planks.


Moelarrycheeze t1_iqom7h6 wrote

I thought it was rather a petty thing for an educated man to do


techsavior t1_iqomatn wrote

Which speaks to “Dr” Farina’s character very well.


Moelarrycheeze t1_iqomfzt wrote

MDs may have book smarts but many of them are lacking in street smarts


techsavior t1_iqomjhy wrote

He’s just lacking in smarts. He’s like Dr. House, except he’s not smart and just a shithead.


vodkanipples OP t1_iqnxgzx wrote

I think I'm being misunderstood. I've had bad experiences in the past with doctors, for example I have a recurring problem ( every 8-10 years) the last time it happened I went to a doctor and told them my history and that I knew what needed to be done, all I needed was some testing to confirm and the procedure done. I was told that they were the doctor and they would decide what was wrong with me with the shittiest tone affirming that they were in charge. That's all I'm trying to avoid. Just want a good friendly doctor who actually listenes, someone who cares more about the patient than their ego.


techsavior t1_iqo6zrd wrote

If you’re coming in off the street, they’re gonna want to run some tests. I’ve had the asshole doctor and practice experience (North Prov Primary Care), but you also get out what you put into it. If you walk in with a full head of steam and demand something, they’re not gonna listen to you.


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_iqohdfm wrote

If you don’t mind a bit of travel, the PA I see in Waterford CT is fantastic. I had an undiagnosed issue they found and literally saved my life. I was hesitant to see any Dr after being ignored and dismissed and my PA was very understanding.

You can DM me for contact info.


vodkanipples OP t1_iqokma2 wrote

I thank you for your recommendation but CT is a bit far, I find it hard to believe that I can't find a local doctor without an ego problem.


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_iqokvou wrote

The problem is the number of Drs accepting new patients- and finding someone you connect with. I know CT is far, but if you come up empty feel free to reach out. My PA was originally in Westerly and moved, I followed her.

I hope you find someone soon!


vodkanipples OP t1_iqoleyg wrote

I truly appreciate your help. Everyone else has treated me like this is Twitter and I made a political statement. If I can't find someone locally I will dm you.


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_iqp6dv5 wrote

I’ve been in a similar situation; I think the critics don’t understand how stressful this is. Anyway reach out if you need.


Novel_Pea_6463 t1_iqo4buq wrote

You’re still young enough to change, accept what they say and do what they say. You don’t have a lot of time tho to change that attitude.


Sodomy_Clown t1_iqo5ut2 wrote

Yeah, ok customer. Consider that your attitude is a self fulfilling prophecy.


vodkanipples OP t1_iqo7hzx wrote

OK maybe I'm an asshole. But can anyone recommend a primary care physician? I don't care if you want to insult, attack or tell me all the reasons I'm wrong. Why isn't there one single response saying I have a great relationship with my doctor you should check them out (name, address)? Does anyone have a good doctor they trust and recommend?


fishythepete t1_iqo8kj8 wrote

>Why isn't there one single response saying I have a great relationship with my doctor you should check them out (name, address)?

Probably because someone who has a great relationship with their doctor wouldn’t want to put their doctor through dealing w someone like you.


Moelarrycheeze t1_iqoly09 wrote

Because it’s a service that you are voluntary seeking out. If you don’t like doctors or modern medical care, see a witch doctor or something.


LateToSapphos t1_iqomgda wrote

There are already few good doctors in RI people don’t want you driving them away lmao


Simple-Swimming14 t1_iqpnpir wrote

I feel like you are asking for a doctor that will listen to you and to take into consideration what you think and feel is wrong with you. That's good to have a understanding of yourself and I think you are looking for help put the piece together and fix the ones out of place. That's good. You're wanting to go to a doctor, means that you're willing to try a change in your care. Good luck

Try here:

Gregory Allen, DO 4300 Post Rd., Warwick, RI, 02818 401-889-3669


MSV34 t1_iqo9ri1 wrote

Try Brown Physicians Inc. I am also an asshole, and their patient centered medical home fits your customer metaphor perfectly.

They will be on you about follow ups a lot but they’re great.


[deleted] t1_iqowgl0 wrote

Hey vodka nipples I’m sympathetic to your issue here bud, but lemme tell you this - wait lists for PCPs are fucked rn so you better just call around and take what you can get. I’ve been waiting 6 months for my first appointment.


vodkanipples OP t1_iqolwp9 wrote

If any of you read my post you'd see that I said that even though I already knew what was wrong with me I was willing to go through test to confirm the problem.


vodkanipples OP t1_iqon8ru wrote

This is the best way i can explain my point of view: people think that their mechanic is a dishonest bastard and they can get their alcoholic uncle to fix their car for less than half the price of the mechanic. But God forbid you question a doctor. Why is it taboo to Say some doctors suck?
