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Ryland42 t1_itl9lcd wrote

At last check we have only given them old equipment we had stored and are only recently starting to give them newer equipment. I'm pretty sure we haven't actually handed money over.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlcecw wrote

I pay attention to the the bills....we have given them Billions....not Millions...Billions of OUR money.

Easy enough to look up and not fair to the US that could use a stimulus of OUR money right now...but they have it.


Ryland42 t1_itlej0g wrote

So we have gone beyond the equipment draw down. Ending the war might still be the fastest way to bring prices down.

The high electricity costs area directly related to the high natural gas cost which is being caused by the war. End the war and the prices should come down


SuddenlySimple t1_itlfu12 wrote

The costs were high before the war. And why has their war become our problem and our financial responsibility?

We gave them 2.8 Billion dollars to protect their borders from Russia and our borders stay open a deveatatimg joke to America..thats Democrats for ya


Ryland42 t1_itlgk3i wrote

It's not like we are the only country that is helping Ukraine. Letting Russia run roughshod over the world is a bad idea.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlgped wrote

Oh and Providence is a Sanctuary City..notice our crime wave is up? Along with all the other Sanctuary cities?


Ryland42 t1_itlh414 wrote

A quick search shows that violent crime is DROPPING in Providence, not going up. I don't actually see anything showing it going up.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlhlox wrote

A quick search? You think Google tells the truth? Watch and listen daily around you.

Of course it wont show its going up...daily im seeing articles on crime here its sickening..and also much to do with the recession Biden caused. People are desperate.


Ryland42 t1_itlixpl wrote

I also used duckduckgo which gave the same results. I don't have a good answer for you other than we are in an age where we area inundated by reports of what's going on whereas we hadn't been so it's makes it seem like everything is going into the toilet


SuddenlySimple t1_itlk9no wrote

Isnt it funny how everything is in the toilet since Dems are in charge?

Im older Dems weren't always like this..this is why they are able to pull off this psychop look at Event 201 and realize everything they planned for us is happening now.

We the People have no say. I have attened many RI Comgress meetings where MANY people and Institutions stand up..including me and say NO to their bills.

I check the bills daily rarely in our favor..they throw a bone once in a while.. but no matter how many people reject their bills they make the decision so they are not listening to the will of the people more people have to pay attention you have no idea what bills they're passing behind your back.

And right now because most Rhode Islanders are just listening to the TV and believing everything they hear and not paying attention to what is happening in Congress they are getting away with things they should not be getting away with and if more people stood up maybe it would stop


Ryland42 t1_itllrtq wrote

I guess it's a good thing that I don't watch the news and try to make sure anything I read comes from a range of sources. Things are currently bad around the entire world and got so after the war started which isn't the Democrats fault. The price is wheat is up because the first and second largest exporters are at war with each other that leads to highest food prices. The cost of fossil fuels are up because one of the largest exporters is being boycotted which puts a strain on other sources AND OPEC reduced their export by millions of barrels/day.

Sure though, blame the Democrats🙄


SuddenlySimple t1_itln1i3 wrote

We wouldnt need anyone's fuel if it werent for Biden Our gas and food would be cheap like it was before he was President its ALL the Dems and their selfish choices we get to suffer for Period.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlguz7 wrote

End the War? Not OUR War..End Democrat control and watch all the truth that comes to light.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlh6hh wrote

Im amazed at how many people believe the War over there increased our prices...yes didn't help cause they give our money away.

But day 1 Biden took our independent energy sources away and energy drives ALL pricing.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlghu9 wrote

And the high gas costs are directly and ONLY related to Bidens first day in office taking away our own access to America resources because they hated Trunp so much for giving the secret away that we have more ability to produce for ourselves than any other Country.

Biden and his group made sure right away other countries were happy and given hush money concerning his family business dealings.

Biden did this all..they want us dependent on them..want us mad at each other..keep promoting race wars..worst administration ever!
