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SuddenlySimple t1_itlk9no wrote

Isnt it funny how everything is in the toilet since Dems are in charge?

Im older Dems weren't always like this..this is why they are able to pull off this psychop look at Event 201 and realize everything they planned for us is happening now.

We the People have no say. I have attened many RI Comgress meetings where MANY people and Institutions stand up..including me and say NO to their bills.

I check the bills daily rarely in our favor..they throw a bone once in a while.. but no matter how many people reject their bills they make the decision so they are not listening to the will of the people more people have to pay attention you have no idea what bills they're passing behind your back.

And right now because most Rhode Islanders are just listening to the TV and believing everything they hear and not paying attention to what is happening in Congress they are getting away with things they should not be getting away with and if more people stood up maybe it would stop


Ryland42 t1_itllrtq wrote

I guess it's a good thing that I don't watch the news and try to make sure anything I read comes from a range of sources. Things are currently bad around the entire world and got so after the war started which isn't the Democrats fault. The price is wheat is up because the first and second largest exporters are at war with each other that leads to highest food prices. The cost of fossil fuels are up because one of the largest exporters is being boycotted which puts a strain on other sources AND OPEC reduced their export by millions of barrels/day.

Sure though, blame the Democrats🙄


SuddenlySimple t1_itln1i3 wrote

We wouldnt need anyone's fuel if it werent for Biden Our gas and food would be cheap like it was before he was President its ALL the Dems and their selfish choices we get to suffer for Period.