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clambo14 t1_itpm8ow wrote

The main problem I see is that you won't be able to hear the bus five minutes before it arrives.


Megs0226 t1_itsm9ri wrote

How will kids know it’s time to start running to the bus stop if they can’t hear it from a mile away?


RandomChurn t1_itub0xp wrote

It could still have one of those loudspeakers: "BUS IS TURNING"


Coincel_pro t1_itphvla wrote

That's pretty neat. How much of BI's power comes from the wind farm? Would be cool if the island was fully renewable powered.


Il_vino_buono t1_itpsva1 wrote

.5%… Wind is currently an extremely weak source of power. Nuclear is honestly the best “green” option.


keevisgoat t1_itqc8mj wrote

It's a shame we are all brainwashed to be afraid if it because if a couple massive fuck ups decades ago. The US Navy runs a ton of reactors and hasn't had a meltdown yet.


jt_tesla t1_itrg9si wrote

100% of the power in BI comes from the wind farm. The excess goes back to the grid.


overthehillhat t1_itqsbvj wrote

This could be a shocking development for some people - -


saucyB52 t1_itrtezs wrote

best way to goto block island< aside from living there, drive your house over the ocean n park in the harbor IN YA BOAT :P


Il_vino_buono t1_itpk6t7 wrote

It’s nice the bus is electric, but over 90% of RI’s electricity comes from natural gas. Wind makes up just .5% percent. Electrifying vehicles only makes sense if you decarbonize the grid. Wind just doesn’t make enough energy.


degggendorf t1_itps4el wrote

> Electrifying vehicles only makes sense if you decarbonize the grid.

Well yeah, I don't think there is anyone saying we should all drive EVs and also that we should also continue to rely exclusively on fossil fuels.

> over 90% of RI’s electricity comes from natural gas

That figure is for generation within RI borders, but since we're on the northeast interconnect and energy is fungible (I think that's the right word), we should look at that mix whee natural gas is only 46% of generation and wind is 3%:

But even then, clearly we have room for improvement.


Il_vino_buono t1_itpt1kv wrote

Honestly, SMR (Nuclear) is the fastest path to a green grid. Wind creates a big carbon footprint and does produce enough power to sub-plant gas/coal.


Xalenn t1_itsdj77 wrote

Even without decarbonizing the grid, electric still makes sense. It's far easier to manage emissions at a power plant vs on millions of vehicles. There are plenty of other reasons but that alone is huge


Il_vino_buono t1_itsf1c9 wrote

For now, but battery production includes some very dirty mining and there’s not enough raw materials in the world to supply the amount of electrified cars, trucks, and buses we need. ESG experts are aware of this. More than likely, hydrogen will be the answer. However, hydrogen production is also carbon intensive.