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Fresh_Shock2890 t1_iqxdmnb wrote

u/rhodyjourno I appreciate the work you do, but this sub and r/providence literally drummed out another Redditor for consistently posting news articles.


rhodyjourno OP t1_iqxe3dh wrote

Is it not helping that I am pasting previews of the story in the comments? This is important information, and I think it's critical for a broad audience to know and not just those with a subscription to the Boston Globe.


rustybullrake t1_iqy2kck wrote

There was a problem with a troll that ended up being banned from Reddit. Not even remotely comparable situations.

FWIW I also appreciate the extended excerpt, especially for an important topic like this.


Coincel_pro t1_iqxf92x wrote

Pretty different situations here, I don't think its comparable tbh.


Fresh_Shock2890 t1_iqxgaz5 wrote

There is literally a conversation on r/providence now about limiting news posts. It is very much similar.


Coincel_pro t1_iqxhex7 wrote

I've seen it.

multiple daily reposts with highly slanted political commentary by a shitposter for a blog are not the same thing as less frequent posts by an actual journalist from a regional newspaper.


LionMcTastic t1_iqxjprr wrote

I couldn't care less about news articles here, but I would say that the situation is very different, because the person posting them isn't dying on an alt-right hill in the comments immediately after.


[deleted] t1_iqyaq5k wrote



Fresh_Shock2890 t1_iqybjuc wrote

You’re right she is the reporter. She wrote the article. The article is behind a paywall.

So is this advertising?

It’d be different if Joe or Jane Redditor came in and said “hey look at this cool article, here’s what I think”

Instead a reporter posts links to stories they wrote behind a paywall without framing or starting a discussion. Clearly advertising.


rustybullrake t1_iqyd5v9 wrote

The subreddit has had this discussion already (which isn't to say it shouldn't be discussed, just saying it happened at length previously).

I was up in arms about it at first. I think the frequency of articles was much higher than it is these days, and the user was not labeled as being a Boston Globe reporter, which were my two biggest issues.

As things stand now, the mods are cool with it, and the reporter is clearly labeled as such. It is advertising, I agree, but the articles are both relevant and well written. I also appreciate that excerpts are provided, which are usually enough info for me.

This is not remotely comparable to the troll that got banned from Reddit, in my opinion.


Blubomberikam t1_iqxexig wrote

The people who aren't here I presume you are talking about solely posted right wing hit piece and crime articles and got downvoted into oblivion. Not really the same thing


degggendorf t1_iqxqdvr wrote

>literally drummed out another Redditor

I never got a drum. Please have them send me my literal drum.