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PrinceHomeless t1_iqywfau wrote

I unfortunately won't be sticking around the area for that much longer, so I can't really join a band right now. That said, as a 24-going-on-25-year-old guy with a ton of musical education and experience, I thought I'd give you my 2 cents.

I've been playing piano since I was 5, clarinet since I was 10, and singing since I was 16 (plus a couple side instruments here and there). I've done a handful of accompaniment and music directing gigs as well, both for theatre and rock bands. I went to college for, among other things, music, but honestly that's incidental to most of my musical expertise.

If I've learned anything from all my experience, it's that talent isn't a thing, and you should ALWAYS just go for it. People like to be a little gatekeep-y around who gets to call themselves a musician. But the bottom line is music theory is a really helpful tool for creating and communicating musical ideas - but not a requirement to get good at music. If you're interested in learning it, there are a ton of resources. If not, don't worry about it.

A post like this is a good start if you want to get some musicians together - I'd encourage you to keep it up. If it doesn't pan out (or even if it does), spend some time experimenting musically on your own. Sing some stuff, write some stuff, train your ear. Record yourself, nothing fancy, phones are fine. Maybe learn a little bit of piano or guitar. Whatever direction seems cool, go for it in whatever way you have access to.

I hope you find something that works for you, and I wish you luck