Submitted by throwawayband123456 t3_xuxctt in RhodeIsland

i don't know where else to post this. for a very long time i have toyed with the idea of starting a band. not seriously. until maybe now. but it's an idea that has not left my head. i am a 24-going-on-25-year-old girl. i have no musical talent. i have no background in musical education, in fact i was unschooled (look it up. yeesh) and have undiagnosed ADHD so i have lacking knowledge in many departments. i live at home. i don't know many people in my area. i haven't been to college and i'm bored at my job. maybe it's time to finally see if i can find other people who would be interested in banding together on an idea like this. we don't have to be good. in fact it's really funny if we suck i think. want to hear from preferably people around my own age, and i'd have to get to know you before deciding on going through with anything, maybe we'll be friends on Discord or whatever. as far as this hypothetical band goes, i'd be vocalist and figure i'll do some of the writing. i'm a big fan of a lot of stuff under the pop punk umbrella but a lot of those bands also kind of suck. wrote this post on a whim, maybe don't take it too seriously, don't know if i'll keep it up



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HotDogKnight t1_iqy6yff wrote

You should check out RIOT RI , they're focused on providing music education in a rock band context and a good DIY ethic to young women, non-binary and trans people.


astrangeday13 t1_iqybq6e wrote

I have a 17 year old that's incredible at making beats and producing. If you do have vocal talent, llmk. I can link you to his stuff.


YodaHead t1_iqydym4 wrote

Best of luck. Look up the band "The Slits" and I think you will take great comfort in their example.


wyldweasil t1_iqyg8r8 wrote

Start small. I've never taken a lesson in my life and I still love playing. Watch videos of your favorite musicians, maybe they do one thing and you want to learn that one thing, then one thing becomes 2 cool things.

Most important, HAVE FUN.

I've been playing music (poorly) for most of my life and it's one of the best therapy things you can do for yourself. Having a bad day? Band on those drums, strings or whatever.

Hopefully you'll find some like minded people to do something, I've done several bands and overall it was really fulfilling


YodaHead t1_iqyha31 wrote

No, they were a band that started out not knowing much, but were a huge influence in the early punk rock scene. Something to be said about just going for it.


Czarkas t1_iqyhh5b wrote

If you weren’t already interested in starting a band, I would have recommended starting an Onlyfanns instead.


Mrmojorisincg t1_iqyiq5c wrote

I’m a 24 year old dude, play guitar, and I play mostly classic rock, grunge, and punk. If you can sing hmu. I always looks for people to jam with


SquishyWhenWet_1 t1_iqymvxm wrote

I’m 23 in north ri, PM me if serious. I know a few people who would be interested, at your easiest convenience


AgixPixRI t1_iqywa84 wrote

i shot you a chat message; but this really goes for anyone on this subreddit; I produce my own music for fun with Ableton, play drums and love singing and am always looking for collaborations. If you wanna check out some of my work you can check out my bandcamp and DM me if you wanna make something!


PrinceHomeless t1_iqywfau wrote

I unfortunately won't be sticking around the area for that much longer, so I can't really join a band right now. That said, as a 24-going-on-25-year-old guy with a ton of musical education and experience, I thought I'd give you my 2 cents.

I've been playing piano since I was 5, clarinet since I was 10, and singing since I was 16 (plus a couple side instruments here and there). I've done a handful of accompaniment and music directing gigs as well, both for theatre and rock bands. I went to college for, among other things, music, but honestly that's incidental to most of my musical expertise.

If I've learned anything from all my experience, it's that talent isn't a thing, and you should ALWAYS just go for it. People like to be a little gatekeep-y around who gets to call themselves a musician. But the bottom line is music theory is a really helpful tool for creating and communicating musical ideas - but not a requirement to get good at music. If you're interested in learning it, there are a ton of resources. If not, don't worry about it.

A post like this is a good start if you want to get some musicians together - I'd encourage you to keep it up. If it doesn't pan out (or even if it does), spend some time experimenting musically on your own. Sing some stuff, write some stuff, train your ear. Record yourself, nothing fancy, phones are fine. Maybe learn a little bit of piano or guitar. Whatever direction seems cool, go for it in whatever way you have access to.

I hope you find something that works for you, and I wish you luck


OptimusRyhmes88 t1_iqz2osm wrote

Definitely get an instrument you really want to learn. With the internet you can learn anything. Practice religious and remember to have fun. I love playing music it's my happy place. I can do many things from playing guitar, singing, beat making and rapping. Mostly all self taught. Check out my Bandcamp All things I've learned due to my love of music. Be passionate and follow that passion


Greggscottpub2019 t1_iqz8w91 wrote

My nephew has got a shit hot band… If you got the vocal chops and all that reach out to him and his rock solid steady bandmates…


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ir0lhh7 wrote

>don't know if i'll keep it up

That's the only part of what you wrote that deserves criticism. Try it. It's going to take a while. I'd maybe focus less on "I gotta find a band right away" and more on "Let me find someone who can play guitar and see if we can come up with stuff" first. Like, the whole discord thing is probably overkill.

That or, fuck it, get a cheap guitar or keyboard and just mess around. There's a ton of resources to learn how to play where you don't really have to pay anyone for proper lessons. I'm honestly jealous of the options someone has if they want to learn to play now.

Edit to add: obviously, if you try and then give it up cause you're not into it or whatever, that's cool. No shame in that. It's not for everyone and there's a pretty high bar before you feel like you start getting back what you put into it. I just meant "don't just quit now. go for it"


lovegiblet t1_ir5bmrr wrote

Aw thanks! I like you too!

How do you feel about Harry Potter? I am part of a community of musicians that write songs about those stories, and it is the most welcoming lovely bunch of humans I ever did see.

If you're still reading haha (btw - her bs has been a very strange chapter in this very inclusive community), good places to start are the WZRD Radio Podcast or the Wizrocklopedia. :-)