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Guyincognito4269 t1_iqyd6ro wrote

Easy. At no point prior to November first does the heat come on.


RedditSkippy t1_iqyj9gy wrote

I failed this year. House dropped to 63 on Saturday morning. Put it on to take the chill off.


Guyincognito4269 t1_iqykezh wrote

Is ok. I've been resisting the urge to turn it on for the mornings. It's been hard.


RedditSkippy t1_iqyn4g7 wrote

I’m back in New England this year, for a year, after 15 years in NYC. My stamina is shot.


GotenRocko t1_ir0d7ci wrote

i know, such a waste for just an hour of use, i just can't in the morning.


flyingWeez t1_iqzzq1d wrote

we failed pretty fast this year with our baby. no need to make her freeze to save a few bucks


mydrivec t1_ir3t6q0 wrote

The irony is that in the spring, we open the windows at 63 and break out the shorts!


HotConcrete t1_iqyesvb wrote

Fire? Yes! Heat? No!


Guyincognito4269 t1_iqyf0zf wrote

Yes, but be careful with that rule. I learned the hard way when I set my house on fire last time I tried it.

Who knew hardwood floors were flammable? Man, the fire department was pissed at me.


commandantskip t1_ir095mc wrote

I try to do that, but I have Raynaud's. My fingers and toes get so cold so fast, even with thick socks, slippers and sweatshirts. I'm keeping all my digits, even if it means spending a little bit more in heating costs.


Guyincognito4269 t1_ir0hc0h wrote

I don't blame you for that. I have a friend that has it, and it is no bueno.


give_me_wine t1_iqyuvfv wrote

I tell myself this every year but I always cave in and turn it on by the end of October


wickedfun01 t1_iqylzch wrote

RI Energy Hates this Simple Trick!


RedditSkippy t1_iqyj5iy wrote

I gotta say, I had to put the heat on Saturday morning to take the chill off of the house. That rain and wind, ugh.


[deleted] t1_iqyksm7 wrote



RedditSkippy t1_iqyn8g4 wrote

It was nasty. I was sitting, shivering, and I thought: put the damn heat on for an hour.


[deleted] t1_ir08z1l wrote

Ha! I handed my kids a hoodie and told them to do some push-ups. I did clean out the wood stove pipe and chimney flue though because i iknow its coming


RedditSkippy t1_ir0bhlw wrote

The house we’re in this year has a fireplace, which would have been the perfect solution, but our landlord (understandably) doesn’t want us using it.


whatsaphoto t1_ir0fnmv wrote

Went out and picked up a heated blanket for the home office to see if I could withstand just a few more days WFH without heat. I lasted maybe 2 days lol. I suppose the utility hikes aren't going away anytime soon, might as well accept my fate.


mydrivec t1_iqz1d1f wrote

I played this for years...then I hit my 50's...NOPE. The difference between keeping the house at 67 vs 70 all winter is about $200. I can afford to be comfortable. Believe me, not all can and back when I used to hold off, I was charging groceries.

Now I hate to be cold. Man up? FUCK NO. The heat is on 66 this week. When it gets even colder, I will turn it higher. :)


D-Spornak t1_ir13uiy wrote

I grew up with very little heat used in my house so it was a big adjustment to live with my husband who likes it at 70-72 in the winter. But, now I'm in my 40's and freezing all the time. So, I'll take 70 in the winter!


abaum525 t1_irbzn0r wrote

I don't get the mentality of setting a date. There were a few days where the lows were in the 40s. Guess what? We put the heat on because it's cold. It's not like it then stays on forever. Heat hasn't kicked back on in a few days because it's been so nice.


mydrivec t1_ird5bxp wrote

current self agrees...20 year younger self wants to argue!


Alarming_Air_6893 t1_iqyxg2w wrote

We have officially pulled out the electric blankets, but no heat yet!


JimmyHavok t1_ir0a81e wrote

Electric blanket under the sheets is the killer app.


GlotzbachsToast t1_ir0f1zx wrote

We put ours on the seat sofa under a blanket and the dog hasn’t left since..


JimmyHavok t1_ir0ma18 wrote

I have a low-powered cat bed pad under the sheet on the edge of my bed, makes my cat love me even more during the winter. Time to take it out of storage...


gradontripp t1_iqyplba wrote

This is easy for me, a native Mainer, and my wife, who lived in The Yukon as a kid. No one wants to come over before Thanksgiving, though.


RhodySeth t1_iqyobxd wrote

No heat until November! (theoretically)


Triello t1_ir3dsgk wrote

Same here, got oil heat, though I do test that everything is working around Columbus Day... would rather have the time to get things up and running before the real cold arrives!


GoxBoxSocks t1_iqyry7i wrote

It's hitting 40 on Saturday.


wafflesandgin t1_iqypker wrote

I lost today, but I set the heat to 65 and it's only kicked on a few times. I'm hoping to last till end of Oct before raising the temp.


merryone2K t1_ir0dtuv wrote

The game is called "No Heat Until Trick-or-Treat". I'm a very good player.


StarKickMeadowDancer t1_ir1pqkk wrote

I heard “until the pilgrims eat, we will have no heat”. I’m native to GA - what wicked New England game is this?! (Still playing though. Haven’t turned heat on)


domolovestea t1_iqyyrzl wrote

I already turned the heat on the other day. Woke freezing and said nope 🙅🏻


melissafromtherivah t1_iqyyzzx wrote

Put it on for a while saturday but it’s off again Currently sleeping in a sweater 🥶 fuck the high cost of heating oil this year 🤬


corey389 t1_iqz0hec wrote

No heat yet, sitting here in a 63 degree home.


Cheap-Magazine-9724 t1_ir02i95 wrote

I caved yesterday morning. Was freezing and I wasn't dealing with that shit anymore. Since I did chemo I get cold alot easier.


Chevymetal1974 t1_ir07lku wrote

Nope. I refuse to play that game. Heat has been on several times. Fuck that noise.


kyden t1_iqymtec wrote

I turned the heat on today 😭


Dopey-NipNips t1_iqzwnv6 wrote

Remember to change your filters before you turn on your furnace for the first time, and every month or two all season long


commandantskip t1_ir09dbv wrote

As a relatively new homeowner, thanks for the tip!


GotenRocko t1_ir0efr9 wrote

this is if you have forced air, most around here have baseboard heat with a boiler so no filter needed. If you do have forced air, make sure you get the right type of filter. Too high a rating filter on an older furnace can make it work harder than it needs to. usually an 8 merv is good for most furnaces. And you really only need to change it every 3 months.

if you have a boiler you should make sure it has adequate water in it, your inspection report should have told you if it already has an auto water fill component or not, in which case it makes it much easier.


Dopey-NipNips t1_ir0o3f1 wrote

If you have a boiler you need to get it serviced every year instead of just a filter changed


51632 t1_iqzwo8p wrote

Never before November 1st.


TheOGJayRussle t1_iqzz8cu wrote

For better or for worse I now let google decide when it comes on.


Megs0226 t1_ir00rzn wrote

I failed already. It’s down very low but it’s on. I’ll turn it off when it’s back into the 70’s Thurs/Fri.


thentangler t1_ir08kye wrote

And now with Natural Gas prices increasing, we get to push the limit!


GotenRocko t1_ir0cvl6 wrote

I try to go until November but was tempted to turn it on last couple of days. Pulled out the blankets and heated blanket as well, and plugged in the heated mattress pad for when I sleep. Of course my dog stole the heated blanket first chance he got haha.


therealDrA t1_ir0vtzi wrote

I have my heat thermostat set to 62 this time of year. It has not come on yet. But my house is at 62. In winter I set it to 64...on a "bomb cyclone" less than 20 degree low I put it at 66...67 if I have a cold. I can't believe people are using heat this time of year. I am a Winter baby though..though from Los Angeles.


[deleted] t1_iqym87e wrote

Playing it right now.


PatDbunE t1_iqzusky wrote

Oh! I play this too! I always try to make it to November - never seem to make it that far. So far so good this year though


AbStRaCt1179 t1_ir08d5m wrote

After October 1st I set it at 62°. Still way to warm for the wood stove. Also we live in Pascoag, so no RI Energy.


commandantskip t1_ir08x8g wrote

We took our AC out on Sunday. I turned the heat to 62 last night because it was only 58 and I don't want my plants to die. It would take more money than I can spend right now to replace them.


HistoricalDocument11 t1_ir0lbdi wrote

Jokes on me, I gave in and turned the heat on but it didn’t work. Landlord said no one to fix it until Friday. It was 58 degrees in the house this morning.


Competitive-Ad-5153 t1_ir0psh7 wrote

Almost hit the switch around 3 this morning, but toughed it out. Still have to vacuum around the baseboard heaters, but it's the first winter with a new heating system (switched from oil to gas in July) 🤞


LEENIEBEENIE93 t1_ir0ralr wrote

Yeah fuck that im not turning that shit on til November


brick1972 t1_ir0vngv wrote

I was a not before November guy for the lingest time but it seems like we are getting more of these deep chill 2-3 day things in October.


pennynotrcutt t1_ir12ttk wrote

Turned it on over the weekend. Then power promptly went out.


D-Spornak t1_ir13lab wrote

Been playing that game this week.


DaddyBrown t1_ir13tq2 wrote

Just turned it on 10 minutes ago.


InsanelyStupified t1_ir1fx2t wrote

Lol, I was just talking to my neighbor about this subject. I gave in, turned my heat on last night to 70, I’m in Warwick


rjw401 t1_ir1scmc wrote

No heat yet. We used RISE last winter to have them assess our home and brought in a great insulation company. The walls in our Warwick home had ZERO insulation (I had done the attic space years ago) and we definitely notice a difference. All of the neighbors have given in already.

I do plan on having a fire this weekend, given the Temps forecasted but hopefully no heat.


umru316 t1_ir2e6g4 wrote

My lease says my apartment must be kept at 50⁰+ so pipes don't freeze. I'll turn my heart on when it hits 51⁰ inside.


gooberhoover85 t1_ir369ma wrote

I caved and turned it on to 64F...for my daughter who is a one year old. If it were just me I would be sticking this out and double layering my socks rn. But the toddler does not get this.


Rhody1964 t1_ir5ib64 wrote

Anyone else have horrific allergies when the leaves start to change?


Elvish_Rebellion t1_ir2iwz8 wrote

Man if only there was a way to trap heat in my home! Darn!


RoboDurp t1_iqydtfs wrote

If you can't make it till turkey day gtfo out my state
