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mydrivec t1_iqz1d1f wrote

I played this for years...then I hit my 50's...NOPE. The difference between keeping the house at 67 vs 70 all winter is about $200. I can afford to be comfortable. Believe me, not all can and back when I used to hold off, I was charging groceries.

Now I hate to be cold. Man up? FUCK NO. The heat is on 66 this week. When it gets even colder, I will turn it higher. :)


D-Spornak t1_ir13uiy wrote

I grew up with very little heat used in my house so it was a big adjustment to live with my husband who likes it at 70-72 in the winter. But, now I'm in my 40's and freezing all the time. So, I'll take 70 in the winter!


abaum525 t1_irbzn0r wrote

I don't get the mentality of setting a date. There were a few days where the lows were in the 40s. Guess what? We put the heat on because it's cold. It's not like it then stays on forever. Heat hasn't kicked back on in a few days because it's been so nice.


mydrivec t1_ird5bxp wrote

current self agrees...20 year younger self wants to argue!