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unidumper t1_itwilnk wrote

are you kidding ? i made this pay and own 2 cars and a home bought 3 years ago with 0 down with all the trimmings. just because the majority of your generation thinks you deserve a CEO pay package with janitor credentials dont blame society or evil corporations. go open your own company and get real world insight. bitching that every unskilled job out there should pay enough to support a family of 4 isnt realistic. i live in todays world i know what it takes to make it and the generation you are worried about has alotta work to do.


do_not_engage t1_itwkwq3 wrote

> bitching that every unskilled job out there should pay enough to support a family of 4 isnt realistic

Uh, no, it's literally what minimum wage allowed from 1950-1980.

Minimum wage was mathematically created to be the amount where one person could support a wife and children.

it hasn't been that for the last... 25 years, tho.

> i made this pay

When, in 1999? Because $26 an hour in 1999 is... $46 an hour today.


You're ignoring basic inflation.

You made THE EQUIVALENT OF $46 an hour when you were young, and pay people THE EQUIVALENT OF $15 an hour now, and think it's the same?

Do some basic math and stop blaming us for wanting what our parents had.


Accurate-Historian-7 t1_itwn7yb wrote

Thank you for the back up. I don’t have the energy to prove to this asshole how wrong he is.


unidumper t1_itx5xfm wrote

lmao.. again i dont want anyone in poverty but you need to have something to bring to the table also. you people think a burger flipper in 1950 supported a family had cars and a home.times have always been tough, every generation thinks the previous one skated. good luck times are changing and you are the future.. choose wisely because us old timers wont be here to bail you out.


Accurate-Historian-7 t1_itx7zdf wrote

I don’t think a burger flipper is a career goal, unless of course you own some high end restaurant and that’s been your life’s dream. I think the issue is a lot of millennials have no hope because they see wages capped at a certain number and they see the cost of everything else around them going up (not your fault or mine. Just the norm). Me personally, I went to school, now work in the trades because I make way more doing skilled trade work than I ever could have with my degree. Times aren’t what they used to be. Houses aren’t 200k anymore. They are double that. A decent used car is 15k minimum. Millennials see everything around them changing accept the wages. I agree minimum wage jobs should not be peoples goal in life. The reality is most people need much more just to afford the basic necessities. 26$ an hour is decent pay, but you also said that’s were is caps out. That’s likely something you can’t change, we both know how business and overhead works. At the end of the day someone isn’t likely to give their all for a job that caps out in the 55k range.


Accurate-Historian-7 t1_itwoanf wrote

Haha you really are just digging yourself deeper and deeper.
CEO pay really?
Your “top pay” of 26$ an hour is not even 55k a year. Thats assuming you pay holidays. 55k is not anywhere near enough money to afford everyday expenses in todays economy. 55k take out taxes, insurance and 401k assuming you offer that, that doesn’t even leave 40k leftover.

You need to wake up to reality. 20 years ago 55k would have been respectable, today that 55k should be 80k if not more. Oh and for the record, I do have my own company. You know why I have my own company, because I learned a long time ago that your generation doesn’t pay a livable wage. Your way off old timer!


unidumper t1_itx4zwd wrote

And you pay your associates a living wage ? every employee you have makes over 26 an hour ? Wish i was way off but every day I talk to these kids I see the whole country being lost if this is the new normal.