Submitted by International-Bad873 t3_ygjunj in RhodeIsland

I am confused as I just paid $128 to renew my registration but according to the fee schedule online it’s by weight and my car only weighs about 4900 lbs so I should have paid a lot less. Can someone please explain this?



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derpbeluga t1_iu8vn5l wrote

It looks like you were charged the 5001-6000 lbs rate.

Registration renewal is for 2 years:

Annual fee: 2x48=$96
DOT surcharge: 2x15=$30
Technology surcharge $2.50
Total $128.50


International-Bad873 OP t1_iu8vr0k wrote

Oh renewals are 2 years than that makes sense! This was my first time renewing here as I moved from ma a couple of years ago!


aly-moon t1_iubr4hm wrote

Our works with a set of very different rules than Massachusetts. It was a field day trying to explain it all to my then fiance (now long time husband) when he moved here!


Simonsays2526 t1_iub6qqx wrote

Nobody understands the DMV. It’s really just a tax collection agency.


aly-moon t1_iubqx5i wrote

The dmv doesn't understand the dmv. I just got a mail in ticket for a plate I had 10 years ago on a vehicle that isnt even mine!


saucyB52 t1_iubs3lz wrote

hey everybody public service anouncement

check your RI license plates for the decal lining coroding and peeling away

I noticed my plates were all corroded n nasty looking and made the decision to buy new ones from the DMV

IMHO it is extremely unlucky bad juju to be riding around with your official numbers all cooroded, like thats just inviting .......nasty things to come your way

anyways, since Ive noticed my plates, Ive seen the same cooroded melting license plates on a bunch of cars

its invisible untill you notice it for the first time, then you see it everywhere

anyways, eradicate that officially stamped malice get new plates


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iu979cz wrote

the nerve of these crooks charging us this for 2 years to have a car — this should cost $10


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iu9xncu wrote

Why should having a car be cheap?


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iua9awg wrote

because it’s essential in many places to survive.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iuacp5p wrote

It should be discounted if electric. In this day and age. Otherwise tax away.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iubtdth wrote

picking winners and losers, never makes sense. Also, advocating for higher taxes eh? Weird…


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iud25hq wrote

Yes I think paying taxes is a common good. Do I think something that is fueling global warming should cost more? Yes yes I do.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iue10s3 wrote

taxation is theft.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iue3b2d wrote

It’s the basis for a working functional society. Go live in Yemen if you want to see how that works. Or Kabul. That’s some libertarian BS that you’re sharing right there.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iufan93 wrote

the reason why Americans can’t retire at 60 is because the government takes too much. 10%, sure I’ll pay that — but 40%? That’s obnoxious.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iufavld wrote

It’s cause we don’t pay a living wage and don’t have national healthcare and a social safety net but go on….. also retire at 60? Gimme a break. Reddit brings out the libertarians doesn’t it


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iuffp11 wrote

yes, I’d like to work my ass off from 22 to 60, and retire and enjoy the fruits of my labor — is that bad? I don’t understand your answer… we tax a lot because we don’t have those programs? I don’t get your point


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iufgkd6 wrote

No modern country has a retirement age that young that’s an unrealistic pipe dream. Also worth pointing out the European countries that have retirement ages more to your liking have high tax rates. If you want an earlier retirement age, fund the social safety net through (you guessed it) taxes!


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iug5k4p wrote

no, I’d rather keep my money and invest wisely for myself without government encroachment — Government is never the solution.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iuhcvga wrote

Ok so when you retire you’ll be returning your social security checks? And not checking NOAA weather forecasts? Or using the federally funded highways? Etc etc? Gotcha.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iujb5rv wrote

Im forced to pay into it, damn straight I’m taking the distributions, but I’d rather it not exist at all. People need to be responsible with their own money. Some states done have state income tax and their roads are in better shape than those that do!


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iujc4tc wrote

So you don't like it but you'll take it. Noted. Point made.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_iujes1f wrote

no employee has an option — everyone pays into social security without option


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iujf022 wrote

No but you could not cash your check if you really wanted to walk the walk - or at least suspend taking it until 70 - but gotcha / libertarian blow hard aka FU and yours unless it’s about me and mine. Noted.