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Blubomberikam t1_iryhkgq wrote

Strange they didnt lead with their party's stances on child labor and age of consent.


kamikazekenny420 t1_iryhpae wrote

There's still a problem getting flavored vapes? There are plenty of shops that still sell it.


huh_phd t1_iryi61a wrote

I laughed id vote


WarExciting t1_iryk4vq wrote

No, sorry, it IS about the kids. When you can make nicotine, THC or fentanyl taste like grape, strawberry or bubble gum you make it more likely children will want to or be willing to try it.


buddhamanjpb t1_iryl0q6 wrote

So why is it that I can walk into any liquor store right now and buy Swedish Fish and cotton candy vodka, and a slew of other candy flavored booze that could kill someone?

You could literally put fentanyl in anything and make it harmful.

I bet you believe people put THC in Halloween candy too lol.


saucyB52 t1_irylk0b wrote

fanzerella smashes the juke box and suddenly its not broken

a 7 inch record in slow mo roles out and it spins like a flicked quarter all rotating n drawn out

after a while it lands on the thingamajing n the hmmmm im runnin on empty folks

help a brother out


Wwdeck t1_irynzx8 wrote

Is that a soft G?


BitterStatus9 t1_irz18l1 wrote

Endorsed by Patricia Morgan, no doubt.


Sovereign-State t1_irz2rto wrote

"Bring back flavored vapes"? That's the slogan you decided to put on your sign? The catch-phase and cornerstone of your campaign?
Holy hell.


give_me_wine t1_irz8aid wrote

They spelled millennial wrong 😂


maybebullshitmaybe t1_irz97tw wrote

🤣 Every comment you've made here is hilarious. I wish it was satire but you're actually being serious. They can really convince boomers of the dumbest shit if they throw it up on FOX 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


maybebullshitmaybe t1_irza2tv wrote

With the other choices we this even that bad? 😂


OrdersFriesEveryTime t1_is06dhl wrote

If you know anything about central Pennsylvania (aka Pennsyltuckey to us natives), you’d know flavored vapes are the least of their problems with opioids. And if you consumed any information outside of Faux News, you’d know that the opioid epidemic conflates their completely backwards “solutions” rooted in aggravating racism and ignoring poverty. Issues that progressives (not libertarians and conservatives) actually care to solve.

For the record, this Gizz person is very likely a complete clown and Libertarians are just Republicans who think they’re the smartest person in the room. Just thought I’d provide something for you to read since you Fox News people are such cRiTiCaL tHiNkErS.


MarlKarx-1818 t1_is07azp wrote

It is my god given right to puff fat clouds and get popcorn lung.


r0se_buds t1_is0jsz3 wrote

This is my friend's brother!


wrap_urXhaustpipes t1_is0n8h7 wrote

I think I used to work with him way back in the day for a Verizon door to door campaign. He was always a nice guy


lolabeanz59 t1_is0nlz0 wrote

Millennial is spelt wrong 😂 good sign though


sandsonik t1_is0wkp4 wrote

Don't do it. I used to order cigarettes through the mail. You don't want to see the tax bill you'll pay when the state catches up to you. Trust me, I cried that day.

And the worst part was, I had quit smoking over a year before, so I felt like I should catch a break. I mean their sin tax caused me to stop smoking. Isn't that supposedly what they wanted?


whatsaphoto t1_is0x6my wrote

"I'm going to physically relocate the capital in order to clean house and get rid of the backroom politics"

D- Does this guy think backroom politics actually occur in dedicated backrooms?


Desperate_Expert_952 t1_is29z30 wrote

Gizz has my vote. Honestly I hate McKee the more I see and hear him. I don’t trust Kalus at all.


jaydizz t1_is2k1kn wrote

They take the worst, most harmful and ineffective economic policies of conservatives and combine them with watered-down versions of liberal social policies.


turboda t1_is2lhb1 wrote

Beats democrats.