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Good-Expression-4433 t1_is1uz01 wrote

Republicans have become discussing at the federal level a nationwide abortion ban if they take over the governmental trifecta. They've also had a platform of privatizing social security, basically eliminating it for much of the population, since Reagan that they constantly fuck around with all year then quietly drop at election time because of the unpopularity of that policy among their voting base.

The problem is many people vote and know politics only from the theater and don't actually look at voting records, watch things like C-Span which are unfiltered views of government, or actually keep up on the nuts and bolts of politics to know how their platforms and actual actions differ. An example being the amount of Republicans in Congress that vote against disaster relief aid or infrastructure spending, then their own politicians who voted against those policies go on the news and tell their voters how hard they fought to get that money for them even though they voted against it on the record, and their voters lap it up.

edit: In regards to Social Security, there was a report yesterday discussing interviews with multiple GOP members that would be in the running to service as chairman on the House Budget Committee who are all openly planning on using the budget deadlines as a hostage if they take back the house to decrease Social Security spending, stricter accessibility limits, and put work requirements on near every social expenditure, effectively removing those benefits for people who truly cannot work.